Archive for the ‘Community Council’ Category

Wednesday 25th March Meeting Cancelled

18th March 2020

Port William Community Council meeting of Wednesday 25 March has been cancelled due to the advice received on Covid-19. We shall monitor the progress of the outbreak and advice given and post details on the April 29 meeting nearer the time.

Peter Smellie

Chairman. Port William and District Community Council

Agenda for meeting to be held at 7:30 pm on 25th March 2020 in the Maxwell Hall

10th March 2020

1. In attendance/ apologies for absence
2. Declarations of interest
3. Police Report
4. Minutes of the last meeting
5. Matters arising from the minutes
6. Treasurer’s Report
7. Correspondence
8. Bookings for Harbour Green
9. Website/ Social Media update
10. Planning Applications
11. Marine Plan for Offshore Energy/ feedback on Community Meeting
12. Carscreugh Renewable Energy Park- process review.
13. Any other competent business

Next Meeting: Wednesday 29 April 2020, 7:30 pm Maxwell Hall.

DRAFT- Minutes of Meeting held on Wednesday 26th February 2020

10th March 2020

1. Present and Apologies for Absence-
Community Councillors: Mr. Douglas Ballantyne (Treasurer), Mr. Richard McElrea, Mr. Jock McMaster, Mrs. Barbara Mellor, Mr. Steve Mellor, Mr. Peter Smellie (Chairman), Mrs. Sheila Smellie (Secretary) P.C. John Jamieson
Elected members: Cllr. Katie Hagmann, Cllr. Jackie McCamon, Cllr. Jim McColm
Members of the public: Mrs. Liz Perry, Mrs. Jackie Crowther
Apologies for Absence: Mr. Paul Carrigan, Mr. Peter Williams

2. No declarations of interest

3. Police Report: Rural thefts – an operation was carried out between 5th February and 20th February to detect and deter thefts, including local patrols and road patrols.
Crime prevention – new fraud scams appearing all the time, targeting the elderly. Key points to remember- no legitimate organisation will demand payment over the phone, or expect payment in Amazon vouchers or not be prepared to hold while the call recipient checks facts. Counterfeit £50. Notes are at large in the area.
National hate campaign to be launched on 2nd March for four weeks focussing on disability
Updates – a male has been arrested for the spraying of graffiti along the A747 and will be reported to the Procurator Fiscal in Stranraer.

4. The Minutes of the last meeting were accepted and signed (proposed by Jock and seconded by Steve)

5. Matters arising; the concrete slab from beneath the Christmas tree has been replaced.

6. Treasurer’s Report: The bank balance stands at £1722.77.

7. Correspondence: The Chairman reported on surveys that had been submitted by D&G Council on reporting road defects, community planning satisfaction and liaising on sexual entertainment venues, which will be circulated among the community councillors.
D&G Council have introduced participatory budgeting. £50,000 is to be allocated. Meetings will be held in Stranraer and Newton Stewart for voting, or votes can be registered on line 29th March/4th April.
Dog fouling- an issue had been reported, for the Community Safety Team to take action, any report needs to be specific relating to precise position, date, time. It is especially important if it known that the event occurs regularly.
Street lighting- there are a number of reports open for Port William and Monreith and the chairman had attempted to chase them up, but on contacting D&G had been passed to a member of staff out of the office on site and, although he was aware of the situation in Port William could not offer a resolution date. Katie agreed to follow up as she had also reported a street light as being out of order.

8. There are no bookings for the Harbour Green.

9. Website/social media is being looked after by Assist IT in Stranraer

10. Planning applications: there has been a request for a telephone mast at Elrig.

11. Marine Plan for Offshore Energy: Richard attended a meeting in Newton Stewart which presented the scheme not for immediate construction. Liz Perry also attended. A petition against the scheme has been started on Isle of Whithorn Facebook. Objections musts be registered by 25th March – The ecology of the area including sea life (and the work of fishermen), birds and the gannet colonies on the Scares are at risk. The Luce Bay area is the only shallow water area identified in the scheme. A Community meeting will be organised in the Maxwell Hall to inform residents of the proposals and seek guidance on the feeling of the community to inform the stance of the Community Council [Secretary’s note 04/03/20- meeting booked for Wednesday 18 March at 7:00 pm in the Maxwell Hall]. The details of the meeting will be forwarded to Graham McKie.

12. Carscreugh Renewable Energy Park: no action required.

13. Any Other Business:
a. Jock will look at the picnic bench on the causeway
b. Refuse – D&G Council are looking to replace the collection lorries which drop waste
c. Jackie Crowther reported on a campaign in Wigtownshire against single use plastics. There is a meeting in Wigtown County Building on 26th March
d. The budget from Westminster has not yet been settled; therefore no council tax for the year has been set
e. Whithorn Trust are looking for people with an interest in archaeology to take their project forward.

The meeting closed at 20:45

Next Meeting Wednesday 25 March, 7:30 pm, Maxwell Hall.

Agenda for meeting to be held at 7:30 pm on 26th February 2020 in the Maxwell Hall

7th February 2020

1. In attendance/ apologies for absence
2. Declarations of interest
3. Police Report
4. Minutes of the last meeting
5. Matters arising from the minutes
6. Treasurer’s Report
7. Correspondence
8. Bookings for Harbour Green
9. Website/ Social Media update
10. Planning Applications
11. Marine Plan for Offshore Energy
12. Carscreugh Renewable Energy Park- process review.
13. Any other competent business

Next Meeting: Wednesday 25 March 2020, 7:30 pm Maxwell Hall.

DRAFT Minutes of Meeting held on Wednesday 29th January 2020

7th February 2020

DRAFT Minutes of Meeting held on Wednesday 29tj January 2020 at the Maxwell Hall, Port William
1. Present and Apologies for Absence –
Community Councillors: – Mr. Douglas Ballantyne (Treasurer), Mr. Paul Carrigan, Mr. Richard McElrea, Mr. Jock McMaster, Mrs. Barbara Mellor, Mr. Steve Mellor, Mrs. Sheila Smellie (Secretary), Mr. Peter Smellie (Chairman) Mrs. Pauline Watkins, Mr. Peter Williams
Sergeant Colin Scott, Police Scotland
No apologies for absence

2. No declarations of interest

3. Police Report: Graffiti sprayed on the Garheugh Rocks and also walls and traffic road signs in Port William area has also been reported on property in Stranraer. Nobody has been charged and the enquiry is ongoing.
The warning relating to counterfeit Irish £50 notes was repeated together with advice to prevent scams. Police officers will NEVER ask members of the public to send personal information and cards via couriers.

4. The Minutes of the meeting on the 27th November 2019 were accepted and the Minutes of the EGM on 18th December 2019 were amended and accepted. Both sets were signed.

5. Matters Arising: 27th November – The street lamps have not been repaired and a further one needs attention. Action- Secretary to report the new occurrence and follow up on previous reports.
18th December – A report on the process of the Casual Vacancy Election has been written by the Chairman and Treasurer and will be submitted to D & G.
Steve agreed to act as chairman of the meetings in the absence of Peter.

6. Treasurer’s Report: The bank balance as at 29.01.20 is £1740.27, which includes £909.97 in the village improvements account. Payment received from Foundation Scotland £2577 on behalf of Carscreugh Renewable Energy Park Ltd (windfarm money, payments made to various local organisations) and the discretionary grant of £593.10 received from D&G Council. Payments have been made for Christmas trees (with the balance reimbursed by the Community Association), website, rental of the Maxwell Hall and Scottish Power.
It is noted that included in last year’s income were donations from local organisations which were arranged by Mrs. Hilary Pavitt. The Chairman will contact Hilary to discover how these were arranged and whether they can be repeated – where possible.
Following the recent elections changes were required for Bank account signatories, with the removal of Anne Highman, Jim and Jenni Gray and a new signatory was required. Richard was proposed as a signatory by Douglas, seconded by Barbara and thus appointed.

7. Correspondence: The Chairman has circulated correspondence from D&G relating to the closure of recycling areas which appears to be in readiness for further cost cutting exercise by D&G. Douglas reported that, according to the Free Press the Council have reconsidered their plans to close Public Conveniences in the region, but will make savings by reducing cleaning rotas.

8. There are no bookings for the Harbour Green.

9. Website/social media: Assist IT in Stranraer has created a new website and will publish Minutes of the Community Council meetings.

10. Planning Applications: Planning approval has been granted for a new house in Elrig.
Monreith Arms – Planning number 19/1934/CAC permission has been applied for demolition works to be carried out, together with reinstatement, and 19/1937/FUL for change of use from public house to private house/guesthouse.

11. Marine Plan for Offshore Energy: the general view is that the Council are confused by the process outlined in the document but are initially opposed to the construction of an offshore wind farm in the Irish Sea, their reservations being: –
a. Scotland is self sufficient in energy; it will not directly benefit the local area
b. The efficiency of wind generation is being called into doubt
c. The ecological argument relating to the seabed and also birds challenge the project, and
d. The tourism potential which is being promoted with the SW300 Route would be threatened by the construction and its proximity to the Mull of Galloway
There being no elected members present at the meeting, the Chairman was asked to contact D&G for more details of the proposals being consulted upon. Website details:
The matter will be discussed again at the February meeting when it is hoped that elected members will be present to provide input. The feedback form on the project has a deadline of 28 March.

12. Current operations and future plans: Pauline resigned as Community Councillor with effect from the meeting due to her eyesight problems. The Chairman thanked her for all the work she has done and wished her all the best for the future.
The Community notice board needs attention. Paul is looking after it.
A concrete slab from beneath the Christmas tree is missing. Jock will contact John Kevan to locate it.
A bench at Second Sands needs attention. Jock will see if it can be repaired.
Peter Williams reports there is a drainage problem in Elrig outside number 7 Main Street.
Jock reported no street lights in Monreith.
There has been a meeting in the village to organise celebrations of the seventy fifth anniversary of VE Day on 8th May 2020.

The meeting closed at 20:25.

The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 26th February at 19:30 in the Supper Room, Maxwell Hall.

Agenda for meeting to be held at 7:30 pm on 29 January 2020 in the Maxwell Hall (v. 2)

8th January 2020

1. In attendance/ apologies for absence
2. Declarations of interest
3. Police Report
4. Minutes of the last meeting
5. Matters arising from the minutes
6. Treasurer’s Report
7. Correspondence
8. Bookings for Harbour Green
9. Website/ Social Media update
10. Planning Applications
11. Consultation on the draft Sectoral Marine Plan for Offshore Wind Energy
12. Current operations and future plans
13. Any other competent business

Next Meeting: Wednesday 26 February 2020

DRAFT Minutes of Meeting held on Wednesday 27th November 2019

8th January 2020

1. Present and Apologies for Absence – Community Councillors:- Mr. Douglas Ballantyne (Treasurer), Mr. Paul Carrigan, Mr. Peter Smellie (Chairman), Mrs. Pauline Watkins Elected members:- Cllr. Katie Hagmann, Cllr. David Inglis Members of the public:- Mr. Richard McElrea, Mrs. Barbara Mellor, Mr. Steve Mellor, Mrs. Sheila Smellie, Mr. Peter Williams Apology for absence:- Mr. Jock McMaster

2. No declarations of interest

3. Sheila was co-opted to the Community Council, as previously proposed by Douglas.

4. Paul resigned as Secretary. Sheila was proposed as Secretary by Douglas and in the absence of other nominations appointed to the position.

5. Police Report: Constable John Jamieson apologised for non-attendance by Police at the October meeting due to duty. A Community Surgery was held at The View Friday 15th November which was well supported. 25th October a counterfeit Bank of Ireland £50 note was accepted at a local retailer. Police are warning local retailers and advising on recognising legitimate notes. 31st October there was a property theft from a house in Port William. 15th November speeding vehicles were reported in Port William. This was confirmed by Pauline and will be reported to the Traffic Supervisor for regular speed checks. There will be an anti violence and shoplifting campaign from Sunday 1st December to Saturday 1st January in Galloway Division. From 10th December mobile working will be introduced; police officers will operate mobile devices to remotely access police systems.

6. The Minutes of the last meeting were accepted.

7. Matters Arising from the minutes- none.

8. Casual Vacancy election- four nominations had been received by the Returning Officer- Richard McElrea, Peter Williams, Barbara Mellor and Steve Mellor. Owing to the processes involved, and despite their being unopposed, they will not formally become Community Councillors until after the set election date of Thursday 5th December followed by ratification at the EGM on 18 December 2019 at which four members of the Community Council must attend.

9. Treasurer’s Monthly Report. Total in the bank £1,642.77 including village improvements and grants. Discretionary Grant is not yet received. Christmas trees:- payment for the trees is by a D&G Grant to the Community Council, who have also received MADAG’s share, with the balance from the Community Association. Cost same as last year, trees delivery 29th November. The Treasurer has extended public liability insurance until 17th January 2020 at a cost of £11.10. Harbour Green valuation:- The Treasurer has an up to date title which cost £3.60 and solicitors confirmed that the Harbour Green was purchased for £1, which will be accepted as current valuation. Douglas recommended that an additional signatory be added to the account, person to be nominated at the next meeting.

10. Correspondence- the general topic of the volume of e-mails was discussed. The Chairman had logged the nature of the e-mails received over the month since the first meeting of the Community Council and of the 30+ mails received only a very few had been deemed of interest to members. It was agreedthat incoming e-mails would be screened by the Secretary prior to forwarding on to ensure that only key information was shared.

11. Bookings for Harbour Greeen- no new bookings.

12. Website/social media update. Assit IT in Stranraer will host the website and provide support. The Chairman will collaborate due to internet experience. The website has been upgraded, and Barbara reported some teething problems (after the meeting the Chairman identified an issue with the ‘Contact us’ e-mail, and the issue may be related to the change in hosting provider). Social media – Jill Astall maintains a watching brief on Facebook.

13. Planning Applications- The removal of the telephone kiosk from Monreith was discussed and is being handled by MADAG. There have been no planning applications for the Monreith Arms. The building is not listed but is in a conservation area.

14. Appointments to minor vacancies were discussed. Steve has volunteered to be Vice Chair (to be discussed in January once he is a Community Councillor), Sheila volunteered for Press Officer producing articles for the Parish magazine and Paul will check the planning applications. The Wind Farm administration requires someone to supervise, probably from April 2020 onwards. Machars Action – minutes are required but no representation to be sent to their meetings. The Federation of Community Councils has not met recently.

15. Any other business:
a. Three street lamps have been reported to D&G as being defective. The bin at Harbour Green is overflowing. The drain cover in the road has been replaced.
b. The Maxwell Hall – meeting 6th November 2019 – has been registered as a charity for recreational facilities with representation by various users. A management team is in position encouraging volunteers to assist. There will be an AGM in the spring of 2020.
c. Katie reported the by election to replace Graham Nicol on 23rd January. Nominations will be open tomorrow. She also spoke of the Crown Estates which offers £230,000 to D & G for projects on the coasts and harbours.
d. The D&G budget has been published and consultation comments are required on the website. She also requested copies of Minutes and Agenda.
e. David reported Transformation News- relating to changes in the area of Education- full details available at
f. The Community Association will meet on Monday 2nd December at the Youth Centre.
g. Carscreugh Renewable Energy Park Ltd are releasing funds earlier than in previous years, and the additional £69 received above expectation will be included in the donation to the Community Association. The Chairman will communicate with the recipient organisations confirming the sums to be distributed.

The meeting was closed at 8:30 pm.
The next meeting of the Community Council is the EGM on Wednesday 18 December 2019
The next business meeting of the Community Council will be on Wednesday 29 January 2020
Both meetings to be held in the Maxwell Hall at 7:30 pm

Draft Minutes – 25th September 2019

13th November 2019


Draft Minutes of the Meeting held Wednesday 25th September 2019.7.30 p.m. Maxwell Hall, Port William

  1. PRESENT:- Community Councillors:  Mrs A Highman (Chairman);  Mr P Smellie (Vice-Chair); Mrs J Gray (Secretary);

Mr D Ballantyne (Treasurer); Mr P Carrigan; Mr J Gray; Mr J McMaster; Mrs H Pavitt; Mrs P Watkins.

Elected members – Cllr K Hagmann; Cllr G Nicol

Apologies – Mr R McElrea.

  1. Declarations of Interest: – None relevant to matters to be discussed
  1. Police Report – No Officer in attendance.
  1. Minutes of the meeting held 31st July having been previously circulated and taken as read were proposed as a true and accurate record by Mr P Smellie and seconded by Mr J McMaster.

5. Matters Arising

5.1 – – re water services at the Youth Centre – confirmation received that Scottish Water have awarded 100% exemption with effect from 1st April 2019 – Invoice received confirming no payment due.

5.2 – Dangerous drain outside 13 Main Street- inspected and cones positioned but no further action taken – Secretary to request advice of when work will be completed,

5.3 – White Lines at the Kelton Steps Car Park A747 – Case no 428746 – Inspected, repair identified and added to schedule of works.

5.4 – Notification of intention to replace the Glass Recycling skip, Port William – error in original correspondence stating that bin was sited at the Maxwell Hall – should have read bin sited at Harbour Road – to be replaced with a 1,280 wheeled bin.

5.5 – Speeding traffic – St Medans, Monreith – Case ref 428748 – Speed monitoring equipment to be installed – if a speeding problem is identified it will be discussed with Police Scotland to ascertain an appropriate way forward; – concern at the speed of traffic passing through Elrig was also expressed and the Secretary will refer this to the Team Leader Network Strategy and Road Safety.

5.6 – Request to issue a notice requesting residents not to feed the seagulls – colourful laminated posters received and passed to members for display.

6. Finance Report – Mr Ballantyne distributed copies of the Income and Expenditure accounts to those present and advised that the sum of £16.00 had been paid in respect of hall fees and that £ 53.68 had been received from the ‘Wishing Well’; the balance at the bank now stands at £ 1273.71 with £ 705.57 of this allocated to Village Improvements. He confirmed that an Expression of Interest form had been completed in respect of the Christmas decorations but that this had only been accepted on behalf of Port William in the sum of £ 243.60 and that he has now been informed that separate Expressions of Interest must be submitted for both Mochrum and Monreith. Any shortfall in total funds finally received and the cost of the Christmas trees purchased must be met by PWCA SCIO. He also advised members that the Community Council may be responsible for Health and Safety to include the necessity of a risk assessment and a certified electrical check on the installation of any lights placed on the trees but added that he was awaiting confirmation from the Ward Officer as to whether or not these conditions related to Community Councils, although it was also pointed out that we do not have any input into the purchase or siting of the trees but are merely the recipient of the allocated grant. He also had to complete a form confirming that funds received would be used for the purpose indicated and this was signed by himself and the Chairman. He will as in previous years arrange additional insurance cover for the trees and will also inform the insurance company of PIRSAC’s intention to hold a firework display this year in the vicinity of the Harbour Green, a licence for which PIRSAC have already applied for. Concern was expressed, as in previous years, in regard to the safety of persons accessing the display via the Harbour Green. Mr Ballantyne also informed members that the Council logo, acknowledging Council support should be included on all documentation. Details of the Discretionary Grant allocation will be finalised following the introduction of the new Community Council but Cllr Hagmann advised that this allowance will have been reduced by at least 25% on the previous year.

7. Correspondence

  • Letter received by Jak Kane, Machars Action requesting their involvement in the ‘Comfort Scheme’ which requires local business’s to allow their facilities to be used as Public Toilets. He had sought the opinions of other Community Councils on this and the Secretary advised that she had sent a reply saying that although she felt it vital that toilets should be available she felt it unreasonable to expect local business’s to open their doors in this way but would seek the advice of members and advise him if they did not share her view
  • The Robertson Trust – grant funding available of £500-£2000 to fully or part-fund work which fits with one of the funding strands – for further detail go to www.wee-grants-for-wee-groups
  • Third Sector, Dumfries & Galloway – Stewartry Roadshow, Carsphairn 28th August – for further details contact
  •  Advice of meeting South Machars Community Hub Stakeholders Group – 6th September with Minutes of Meeting held 27th June
  •  Winter Warmth for Older People Project – Free kindling and logs for people over 60 years of age that satisfy the eligibility criteria – for further details see posters or e-mail
  • Shoreline Management Plan Study – series of engagement events planned over the next two years – for further information go to
  • TSDG – Roadshow – 11th September, Whithorn – Demystifying Business Plans and Identifying Income Generation Opportunities – for further information contact
  • Community Safety Team Engagement Day – Port William – 9th September
  • Kendoon to Tongland 132Kv Reinforcement Project – Galloway Without Pylons request for support – for further information go to
  • Community Development Alliance Scotland Annual Conference – 10th September – Tackling Inequalities
  • The latest news from the Scottish Community Councils website – received from
  • Machars Action – Minutes of meeting held 22nd July; Agenda for meeting 2nd September; copy of accounts to date.
  •  Details of Dredging Operations to the 3rd September Kirkcudbright Harbour
  • Community Councils Newsletter September 2019
  • Notification of temporary Road Closure for Openreach works –B7005 Airriequhillart – 09.00 hours 11th October to 17.00 hours 13th October
  • D & G LEADER Rural Awards 2019 – List of finalists – included in the Inclusive Communities Awards category, Port William Community Development Trust. Members were also advised that Mrs Watkins had been nominated for the ‘Shining Light’ award- Award event to take place 5th December Gatehouse of Fleet.
  • TSDG – Support event 24th October – Kirkcolm – includes a short introduction to the new Good Governance Code for Third Sector Organisations – contact
  • PIRSAC – request to site a bench in memory of Alex Donnan on the Harbour Green between the Time Capsule and the Mileage Directional pole – No objections raised – Secretary to reply.
  • Request from D & G Council for local organisations to deliver meals within their community throughout the October and December school holidays 2019. Funding will be specifically provided for one substantial meal per day to children and young people in Primary 1 to S6. An application form  and guidance notes can be found by visiting
  • Agenda for Wigtown Area Committee meeting 25th September – Anti Poverty Grant Fund 2019/2020 – £52,000 allocated.
  • Agenda for Whithorn and Wigtown Good Food Sub Committee – proposed date 26th September
  • Embracing Civic Pride and Volunteering Wigtownshire Event 4th October, Kirkcowan – Mr Smellie to attend
  • ProjectScotland – half-day workshop for stakeholders, leaders and managers across organisations that are keen to learn more and engage further in developing intergenerational working within their teams – 1st October – to book a place go to
  • VE Day 75 – Planning of events to mark the end of the war in Europe weekend 8th – 10th May 2020 – forwarded to PWCA SCIO and to the Kirk.
  • 7th – 13th October – Dumfries & Galloway – Challenge Poverty Week
  • Crichton Foundation – Annual Report 2018/19;  Booking form and list of events, Crichton Conversations; Invitation and booking form for The Crichton Foundation Lunch 15th November £37.00 per person
  • D & G Customer Service Centres Questionnaire – Mr Smellie urged members to complete this survey and further details can be obtained from
  • Exercise for Health – classes for Easiobics, Auchenmalg, Wigtown and Stranraer; Aerobics, Sorbie and Newton Stewart and Family Friendly Aerobics at Leswalt – All classes £ 3.00 per hour – for further information contact

9. Bookings for Harbour Green – No bookings received

10. Website Update – Mrs Pavitt advised that she would soon be leaving the area and confirmed that Jill Astall would be happy to continue with Facebook updates but did not feel able to take on the Website. Mrs Pavitt suggested ‘Assist-It Design Services in Stranraer whom she had contacted and who had agreed their willingness to take over the running of the Website for a fee, including hosting, of either £ 75.00 or £100.00 per year depending on the amount of updates. The Website will be rebuilt and given a new look at no charge. No objections were raised to this and Mrs Pavitt said how she hoped that once the new Community Council members were in office there would be a member willing to be the liaison between the Council and Assist-It. The Chairman recorded her thanks to Mrs Pavitt for her past commitment to the Website and the work of the Community Council and wished her all the very best for the future.

11. Planning Applications – Nothing relevant to Port William – No information available in regard to the Monreith Arms

12. A.O.B. –

  • Community Council Elections – From the 4th October the maximum total membership of PWCC will be 11 with a minimum of 4 as per Schedule 1 of the Scheme of Establishment adopted 25th September 2018. Five people have been elected unopposed and will be formally recognised as an elected member pf PWCC leaving 6 vacancies to be filled. At least 4 further candidates, with a possible 5th, have expressed a willingness to stand and the following motion was subsequently put forward:

‘It is proposed that the current vacancies on the PW&DCC be addressed by the implementation of a Casual Vacancy election in accordance with section 7.9.1 of the Scheme of Establishment.’ Proposed by Mr P Smellie. Seconded by Mr D Ballantyne and agreed unanimously.

These elections will take place in the presence of the Returning Officer at an EGM to be held on the 30th October.

  • Request received from Border Television to speak with a local fisherman on the possible impact of Brexit – Paul McGuire approached and contact made between himself and Border television but unable to arrange a suitable date for a meeting.
  • Telephone Kiosk – Mochrum – request from a resident to site a defibrillator – details of owner given.
  • Road Defect, South Street – Case no 437989 – identified and added to schedule of works
  • Maxwell Hall Management – Charity status granted – now formerly registered as a SCIO
  • Maxwell Hall – Damaged Bollard at front of Car Park – Responsibility of Regional Council – Secretary to report.
  • Drains in need of sucking out before winter sets in – particular mention made of the one outside the Community Shop, South Street – Secretary to report

There being no further business the Chairman concluded the evening by expressing her thanks to all of the members for their commitment and support and added a special thank you to the Secretary. Mrs Highman said how she was sad to be retiring as a member but felt that the time had come, adding that she would still attend meetings from time to time and give her own support to the new members knowing that the work would continue.

The meeting closed at 9.05 p.m.

Date and Time of the First Meeting of the New Community Council to be held 30th October 7.30 p.m. Maxwell Hall Supper Room.

Port William and District Community Council- Extraordinary General Meeting

Wednesday 30 October 2019

8:00 pm, or thereabouts, Maxwell Hall, Port William

1. In attendance and apologies

2. Casual Vacancy election, as recorded in the minutes of 25 September 2019, for a maximum of six vacancies on the Community Council.