1. Present and Apologies for Absence – Community Councillors:- Mr. Douglas Ballantyne (Treasurer), Mr. Paul Carrigan, Mr. Peter Smellie (Chairman), Mrs. Pauline Watkins Elected members:- Cllr. Katie Hagmann, Cllr. David Inglis Members of the public:- Mr. Richard McElrea, Mrs. Barbara Mellor, Mr. Steve Mellor, Mrs. Sheila Smellie, Mr. Peter Williams Apology for absence:- Mr. Jock McMaster
2. No declarations of interest
3. Sheila was co-opted to the Community Council, as previously proposed by Douglas.
4. Paul resigned as Secretary. Sheila was proposed as Secretary by Douglas and in the absence of other nominations appointed to the position.
5. Police Report: Constable John Jamieson apologised for non-attendance by Police at the October meeting due to duty. A Community Surgery was held at The View Friday 15th November which was well supported. 25th October a counterfeit Bank of Ireland £50 note was accepted at a local retailer. Police are warning local retailers and advising on recognising legitimate notes. 31st October there was a property theft from a house in Port William. 15th November speeding vehicles were reported in Port William. This was confirmed by Pauline and will be reported to the Traffic Supervisor for regular speed checks. There will be an anti violence and shoplifting campaign from Sunday 1st December to Saturday 1st January in Galloway Division. From 10th December mobile working will be introduced; police officers will operate mobile devices to remotely access police systems.
6. The Minutes of the last meeting were accepted.
7. Matters Arising from the minutes- none.
8. Casual Vacancy election- four nominations had been received by the Returning Officer- Richard McElrea, Peter Williams, Barbara Mellor and Steve Mellor. Owing to the processes involved, and despite their being unopposed, they will not formally become Community Councillors until after the set election date of Thursday 5th December followed by ratification at the EGM on 18 December 2019 at which four members of the Community Council must attend.
9. Treasurer’s Monthly Report. Total in the bank £1,642.77 including village improvements and grants. Discretionary Grant is not yet received. Christmas trees:- payment for the trees is by a D&G Grant to the Community Council, who have also received MADAG’s share, with the balance from the Community Association. Cost same as last year, trees delivery 29th November. The Treasurer has extended public liability insurance until 17th January 2020 at a cost of £11.10. Harbour Green valuation:- The Treasurer has an up to date title which cost £3.60 and solicitors confirmed that the Harbour Green was purchased for £1, which will be accepted as current valuation. Douglas recommended that an additional signatory be added to the account, person to be nominated at the next meeting.
10. Correspondence- the general topic of the volume of e-mails was discussed. The Chairman had logged the nature of the e-mails received over the month since the first meeting of the Community Council and of the 30+ mails received only a very few had been deemed of interest to members. It was agreedthat incoming e-mails would be screened by the Secretary prior to forwarding on to ensure that only key information was shared.
11. Bookings for Harbour Greeen- no new bookings.
12. Website/social media update. Assit IT in Stranraer will host the website and provide support. The Chairman will collaborate due to internet experience. The website has been upgraded, and Barbara reported some teething problems (after the meeting the Chairman identified an issue with the ‘Contact us’ e-mail, and the issue may be related to the change in hosting provider). Social media – Jill Astall maintains a watching brief on Facebook.
13. Planning Applications- The removal of the telephone kiosk from Monreith was discussed and is being handled by MADAG. There have been no planning applications for the Monreith Arms. The building is not listed but is in a conservation area.
14. Appointments to minor vacancies were discussed. Steve has volunteered to be Vice Chair (to be discussed in January once he is a Community Councillor), Sheila volunteered for Press Officer producing articles for the Parish magazine and Paul will check the planning applications. The Wind Farm administration requires someone to supervise, probably from April 2020 onwards. Machars Action – minutes are required but no representation to be sent to their meetings. The Federation of Community Councils has not met recently.
15. Any other business:
a. Three street lamps have been reported to D&G as being defective. The bin at Harbour Green is overflowing. The drain cover in the road has been replaced.
b. The Maxwell Hall – meeting 6th November 2019 – has been registered as a charity for recreational facilities with representation by various users. A management team is in position encouraging volunteers to assist. There will be an AGM in the spring of 2020.
c. Katie reported the by election to replace Graham Nicol on 23rd January. Nominations will be open tomorrow. She also spoke of the Crown Estates which offers £230,000 to D & G for projects on the coasts and harbours.
d. The D&G budget has been published and consultation comments are required on the website. She also requested copies of Minutes and Agenda.
e. David reported Transformation News- relating to changes in the area of Education- full details available at dumgal.co.uk/transformation
f. The Community Association will meet on Monday 2nd December at the Youth Centre.
g. Carscreugh Renewable Energy Park Ltd are releasing funds earlier than in previous years, and the additional £69 received above expectation will be included in the donation to the Community Association. The Chairman will communicate with the recipient organisations confirming the sums to be distributed.
The meeting was closed at 8:30 pm.
The next meeting of the Community Council is the EGM on Wednesday 18 December 2019
The next business meeting of the Community Council will be on Wednesday 29 January 2020
Both meetings to be held in the Maxwell Hall at 7:30 pm