Mochrum Parish Church

Mochrum Parish Church – Service times: the following Sundays at 11.00 am.
The services at Sorbie are the week AFTER Mochrum. The Services at Kirkinner are the week BEFORE Mochrum.
17th November
8th December
29th December
Minister – Rev Jeff Mead 01988 840643 email
Session Clerk & Clerk to the Congregation Board – Jenni Gray 01988 700948
Office Bearers: Treasurer & Fabric Convener – David Mann 01988 600671: Social Convener, Parish Magazine Editor, Coffee Morning Convener, Church Flower Convener, Transport Convener – Mrs Bridget Hillman 01988 700781; Church Flower Distribution – Mrs Annie Murray 01988 700585 : Free Will Offering – Jim Gray 01988 700948 Guild Secretary – Mrs Barbara Rudd 01988 700366 Organist – Mrs Nancy Burgess
Coffee Morning: First Wednesday of the month in the Library, Maxwell Hall. 10.15 – 11.15 am. items for sale table gratefully received. All welcome.
Family Tree: We now hold a copy of all the headstone inscriptions in Mochrum Church grounds up to 1982. If we can help with your Family Tree research, please contact David Hirst via email
Food Bank: The local churches are collecting non-perishable foodstuffs to supply to the needy. If you can spare a tin or packet to support somebody who will otherwise go without please donate items at the Spar Shop or at the Charity Shop. If you are in need of help please use the contact page and your information will be passed on or call Jenni Gray 01988 700948
Whithorn Way. A pilgrims walk from Glasgow to Whithorn. One of the legs of the walk ends at Mochrum Kirk
History of the Church: For a little bit of information visit the wikipedia site
Other Churches: There is a Roman Catholic Chapel at Whithorn (9 miles). Mass is held each Friday at 10.00am and each Sunday at 12.00 noon.

Mochrum Church Guild
Guild Strategy: One Journey, Many Roads
Session 2019 – 2020 – COMPANIONS ON THE ROAD
All meetings will be held in the Library (Supper Room), Maxwell Hall, on Tuesdays at 7.30 pm, unless otherwise stated. All welcome to come and share with us
Secretary: Mrs Vicky Parker 01988 700312
Treasurer: Mrs A Highman 01988 700353