Minutes of the Meeting held Wednesday 28th June 2023, 7:30 p.m. Maxwell Hall, Port William


Minutes of the Meeting held Wednesday 28th June 2023, 7:30 p.m. Maxwell Hall, Port William
PRESENT:- Community Councillors – Mr R Sheppard, Mr L Gray (Secretary), Mr J McMaster, Ms R
Davison, Mr R McElrea, Mrs B Mellor, and Mrs L McNaught
Elected members – None
Members of the Public – PC D Broadfoot, PC Osbourne, Mr A K Sutherland
Apologies – Mr P Corrigan, Mr D Ballantyne (Treasurer), Dr J Crowther
1. Declarations of Interest: None
2. Police Report – Police present at meeting. Report received – 2 incidents involving the same
3. Minutes of the last meeting –
a. Proposer – Mrs B Mellor
b. Seconded – Ms R Davison
4. Matters Arising from previous meeting:
a. Second sand path – path has been strimmed now. However, I’m still hoping it can be
b. Speed indicator, Monreith – Cllr K Hagmann emailed to confirm this is to be
c. Council Tax Write off – Email was received from Cllr K Hagmann and distributed to Cllrs.
d. Potholes – Ones reported have been filled in, but others have appeared. This is an
ongoing issue within the area.
5. Treasurer’s Report –
a. No change since last month,Total in bank–£2,648.75. No payments this month.
Awaiting invoice for notice board which will be funded from part Kilgallioch and part
village improvements fund.Holding £453.27 for Carscreugh which was to be for a new
picnic bench.
Port William School received their cheque for £300, but at the time of meeting had not
been cashed yet.
For information Bob Sheppard has been added to the list of signatories for online
banking and cheques. Two signatures are always required.
6. Correspondence –
a. Garden service – email was received from a member of the public asking if the council
still provides a paid garden service. Secretary to check with DGC.
b. Garnets Walk – The walkway is overgrown with vegetation and can’t be passed easily.
To be reported to DGC for cutting and ongoing maintenance, as it is a core path.
7. Kilgallioch and Carscreugh updates – Nothing to report this month.
8. Planning Applications – No update
9. Website/Social Media Update – No updates or actions to report. FB is running well with
increased traffic and activity.

10. A.O.C.B. –
a. Hosting guests and talks – It was discussed about time limiting anyone wishing to speak
at community council meetings for complaints and concerns. This led to a lengthy
discussion. Community Council meetings are open to the public and as such, anyone
can attend. Anyone wishing to raise a concern or complaint should notify the Secretary
either before the meeting or when first arriving at the meeting. The opportunity to raise
and discuss will be at AOCB on the agenda.
i. NOTE: Community Council meetings are public meetings, anyone can attend.
There is an agenda to be followed, and everyone is permitted their say at these
meetings, and should be given the time to speak without interruption.
b. Meeting Decorum – Following interruptions and debate at a former meeting, we are
sending a gentle reminder that everyone has their say at meetings, but each person will
get their turn. The Chair is in control of the meeting and should be respected.
c. W Broll – Benches are available for the area – Secretary to discuss with W Broll on best
d. R Davison asked if we could have a tea/coffee morning for the public to meet their
Community Councillors? No objections raised.
e. Old Mill – Concerns raised again over safety of site.
f. Mr A K Sutherland – The Newly elected Ward 2 Federation CC Chair. The federation has
only reconvened as of 2023.
i. Raising common issues as a whole across the Ward – There are 12 CCs in Ward
ii. Wanting positive things from each CC to share at meetings.
iii. Federation is using common resources as a group; they meet 3 times a year
plus an AGM.
iv. L Gray asked if funds are available for CCs attending Federation meetings?
Previously raised by D Ballantyne.
v. Next meeting is in September 2023.
g. Noticeboard in PW needs updating with the latest meeting minutes.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8:30 p.m.
Date and Time of the Next Meeting –7.30 p.m., Wednesday 26th July 2023, Maxwell Hall.