Meeting held on Wednesday 27 October 2021 at the Maxwell Hall, Port William
- Present and apologies for absence:-
Community councillors:- Mr. Douglas Ballantyne (Treasurer), Mr Paul Carrigan, Mx. Jen Hendry, Mr. Richard McElrea, Mr. Jock McMaster, Mrs. Barbara Mellor, Mr. Steve Mellor, Mr. Peter Smellie (Chairman), Mrs. Sheila Smellie (Secretary)
Representatives of Police Scotland:- PC John Jamieson, PC Andrew Osborne
Members of the public:- Mrs. Jacqueline Crowther, Mr. Kevin Knighton, Mrs. Lesley McNaught
There were no elected members in attendance. There were no apologies for absence.
- There were no declarations of interest.
- The two members of Police Scotland were welcomed to the meeting and the Police Report was delivered, including vandalism in the harbour on 3rd October and on 14th October two unknown people were seen boarding a boat in the harbour, and an assault on a juvenile was reported resulting in an arrest. A survey has been commissioned on body worn cameras in which views are sought, and warnings have been issued regarding scams directed towards students in particular. Douglas pointed out that the street lighting in the harbour has been failing with the deterioration continuing and the Police agreed that a key crime prevention aid was good lighting. Kevin Knighton advised that there was a problem in Port William with cyclists riding their bicycles on the pavement. The Police sympathised and said riders should be requested to use the highways.
- Kevin Knighton attended the meeting to report on the success he has achieved with owners neglecting the property at 91 Main Street and how it could be applied to other derelict properties in the area. The Land Registry should be able to provide details of the owner who should then be continually requested to accept their responsibility. Alister Jack MP had also been very helpful in applying pressure to the owners. Kevin also recommended contact with Scottish Empty Homes Partnership and offered to assist with Brambles, Main Street. Many thanks to Kevin for his attendance and assistance.
- The Minutes of the last meeting were accepted and signed – proposed by Jock, seconded by Paul.
- Matters Arising:-
- Play Park:- There is no money available from D & G Council. The Chairman has spoken on this issue to Billy Broll who advised that D & G must inspect Play Parks every two weeks and any purchases need approval by D & G. A list of council approved suppliers of play equipment has been requested.
- Grass cutting on Mill Hill:- This is not D & G land and they will not maintain it.
- Rubbish in the harbour:- The Harbourmaster reports that a facility has been provided for the fisherman, but it is not his responsibility to ensure that they use it. The Chairman has invited him to attend a PWCC meeting to discuss the problem.
- Street lights:- D & G say they have instructed their contractor to repair street lights and the contractor is in the process of doing it. Jock reports the problems at Monreith are ongoing.
- Machars Action:- Jen reports that there are no regular meetings; they are arranged subject to the convenience and availability of the delegates.
- Treasurer’s Report:- Jock has worked on the wishing well, which is now weatherproof. The bank balance stands at £1896.57, being £1134.77 village improvements and £761.80 administration fund. -The community association treasurer will speak to Scottish Power re Christmas lights electricity payment and the application for the discretionary grant is ready to go to D & G.
- Correspondence:-
- D & G want to lay a wreath on Remembrance Sunday 14th November to mark 100 years of British Legion Scotland.
- The consultation on Mochrum conservation area is not available until 29th
- D & G are holding a consultation on the problem of seagulls. There are people in Port William who feed seagulls which creates a nuisance problem for other residents.
- Website/social media:- Jill Astall, who has ably looked after the Port William website, is hoping to leave the village – thank you, Jill, for your work. Jen has offered to take on the duties and update as necessary – thank you, Jen.
- Planning applications:- Three new planning applications were notified, renovation to a store by PIRSAC (21/1416/FUL), the installation of solar panels at 19 Main Street (21/1983/FUL), and partial retrospective permission for a summerhouse and garden buildings at 61 Main Street (21/1482/FUL). An application to clear fell 3.14 hectares of Sitka Spruce at Derrie Farm, Elrig (FPA-8426) has been lodged, with replanting including broadleaved trees.
- Carscreugh Energy Park:- There is £1456.30 grant still available to local organisations. The defibrillator in Monreith, toddlers’ group in Port William and the Play Park are possible contenders, but a formal application is required. Jen has queried the financial situation relating to funds from Carsgreugh should the Community Council be dissolved.
- Organisations survey:- Jen is working at present on the organisation of resilience teams.
- Any Other Business:-
- A new bench has arrived at Second Sands – many thanks to D & G.
- Steve reports the road to Killantrae has been inspected by D & G and a French drain system has been proposed. Steve is not convinced by the effectiveness of such a system and will keep the Community Council up to date.
- The Chairman has asked Mrs. Jacqueline Crowther if she would consider joining PWCC as a co-opted councillor and she has consented. The motion for co-option was proposed by Douglas and seconded by Jock. This will be an agenda item for the November meeting.
The meeting finished at 20:30
The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 24th November 2021