Draft Minutes of the Meeting held Wednesday 30th November 2022


7.30 p.m. Maxwell Hall, Port William

PRESENT:-  Community Councillors – Mr R Sheppard (Chairman); Mr L Gray (Secretary); Mr D Ballantyne (Treasurer); Mr P Carrigan; Mr R McElrea; Mrs B Mellor; Mr J McMaster; Ms J Edgar and Mrs L McNaught


Elected members – None


Members of the Public – Ms J Dean, Mr S Mellor, PC J Jamieson


Apologies – Dr J Crowther, and Ms R Davison


  1. Declarations of Interest: – Mrs B Mellor as a member of the SWI in relation to their request for funds.


  1. Police Report – PC J Jamieson was in attendance and provided a verbal report over the past month in the area.
    1. There was an incident off shore of Port William on 19th November; this is part of an ongoing investigation in which the police are looking for witnesses or persons with information regarding the incident. If you are a witness or have information then please contact the Police, or Stranraer CID in particular.
    2. Stranraer Police Scotland Youth Volunteers are recruiting: Are you or anyone you know? 13 – 15 years old? Do you/they have an interest in Policing? Do you/they want to volunteer in your/their local community? If you are interested then please contact the group co-ordinator PC Emily Conroy at Conroy@scotland.police.uk
    3. D Ballantyne asked about licences being given out for razor clam fishing – PC Jamieson advised these are handled by Marine Scotland
    4. S Mellor raised an incident in September which Police did not attend – PC Jamieson was unable to comment but will investigate.


  1. Minutes of the meeting held 25th October were issued to all members of the council. Mr J McMaster proposed, and Mr R McElrea seconded.


  1. Matters Arising
    1. Noticeboards – R Sheppard (Chairman) to size up and purchase suitable noticeboards. Money has been allocated for purchase.
    2. Dourie Farm & Co have been paid the annual £20 fee for rental of the Tennis Court land.
    3. Machars Action Group – R Sheppard attended however the meeting was cancelled.
    4. Pothole outside the Doctors surgery was filled in but is starting to erode again. To report once more.
    5. Harbourmaster – No actions following last discussions of improvements to the Harbour. To be followed up.


  1. Treasurer’s Report – Total money in bank–£5,409.15.This is made up of Admin–£1,255.41, Village improvements–£950.47, Kilgallioch–£200 and Carscreugh–£3,003.27. Many thanks to Carscreugh Energy Park for the payment of £3,003.27.Payments out in month were—£33.20 to Mrs Moira Adams for the remembrance wreath, £12 to Maxwell Hall for use of supper room and £72.72 for public liability insurance of Harbour Green.


  1. Correspondence –
    1. Place Planning – Dr J Crowther provided information place planning, currently there is a plan being considered for Stranraer. JC was unable to attend the meeting last month providing information on the new Place Planning process/agenda. LG circulated email and information to Councillors. Further discussion and consideration to take place with other groups in the area.


  1. Kilgallioch and Carscreugh updates –
    1. Carscreugh funding of £3003.27 has been received.
      • MADAG has been granted £1,000 from this fund
      • PWCC to allocate £600 for new picnic bench
    2. Latest applications for funding:
      • Local SWI Craft group have applied for £300 to help purchase supplies – Councillors have agreed to donate £300.
      • Maxwell Hall has requested money to help with building improvements including the roof. No specified amount – Councillors have agreed to donate £1,000.
      • B Mellor received a letter from The Toddlers group, they are looking for unspecified funds for their group; because the letter was not presented at the meeting, in principle, councillors have agreed to donate £100.
      • This allocates £3,000 of the Carscreugh funds for 2022.
  1. Ideas to be presented by February 2023 to write the application for Kilgallioch WF funds.


  1. Planning Applications – Four applications – No objections.
    • Secretary to forward planning applications to Councillors


  1. Website/Social Media Update –
    1. No website updates or enquiries received.
    2. The Facebook page – L Gray and B Mellor are now able to manage both Port William, Dumfries & Galloway; and Port William Harbour FB Pages. Port William Harbour seems the most active of the two. It has been agreed to change the name Port William, Dumfries & Galloway FB page to “What’s on in Port William” – to act as an online noticeboard for our local community.


  1. O.C.B. –
    1. L McNaught – Bus shelter at the Main square is to be raised with Council for repair and maintenance
    2. D Ballantyne raised the path leading from Second Sands out of Port William that requires resurfacing. To be raised with the DGC or Community Assets team for consideration.


There being no further business the meeting closed at 8:40 p.m.


Date and Time of the Next Meeting – Wednesday 25th January 2023 7.30 p.m. Maxwell Hall Supper Room.