DRAFT- Minutes of Meeting held on Wednesday 28th July 2021 at the Maxwell Hall, Port William
- Present and apologies for absence:-Community councillors:- Mr. Douglas Ballantyne (Treasurer), Mr Paul Carrigan, Mx. Jen Hendry, Mr. Richard McElrea, Mr. Jock McMaster, Mrs. Barbara Mellor, Mr. Steve Mellor, Mr. Peter Smellie (Chairman), Mrs. Sheila Smellie (Secretary)Apologies for absence:- Mrs. Jacqueline Crowther, Mrs. Katie Hagmann, Mr. David Inglis, Mrs. Jackie McCamon, Mr. Jim McColm
- There were no declarations of interest.
- The Police Report has been circulated, including a report on parking by the Killantrae Bridge in South Street, a response to a complaint from a member of the public. The report included a statement of police policy on car parking policing, which will be of benefit if similar issues are reported in the future.
It was reported that a vehicle is apparently abandoned at Second Sands – silver Vauxhall Corsa FM03 CXE. This will be reported to the Community Safety Team. - The Minutes of the last meeting were accepted and signed – proposed by Jock and seconded by Paul.
- Matters Arising:-
- D & G have sent an email to Barbara reference the road to Killantrae stating ‘a repair has been identified and added to our schedule of works’ (Case 5196977).
- The old Eagle Hotel has applied for planning permission for alterations – 21/1441/FUL.
- The streetlights at Monreith have been re-reported.
- Port William Surgery :- The Practice Manager for Southern Machars Practice has confirmed that Dr. Ducker will retire on 30th September 2021. Warburton will continue, but not as a partner. Vacancies for two general practitioners have been advertised. In the meantime the Health Board will be responsible for the provision of medical services in Port William.
- The access To Garnets Walk from Moormains Road is much improved – thanks to the Cowan family.
- Treasurer’s Report:- The bank balance stands at £1904.47, being village improvements £1032.17 and £872.30 administration fund. Port William Community Association applied for £1143.60 from D & G on account of Christmas Decorations and community events. Richard, being Treasurer of the Community Association, reported this has been approved by D & G – many thanks to them. The Community Association will take over liability for Christmas trees and decorations. The Treasurer suggested the Community Association should take responsibility for payment of electricity for Christmas decorations. Jock and Richard will present this item at the next meeting of the Community Association. The Treasurer also reported on available funding from D & G for 2022 of up to £1000/occasion for Festivals and Events.
- Correspondence:-
- Melinda Dolan is the new Ward Officer, replacing Graham McKie.
- D & G are surveying the road between Derrie Farm Elrig and Glenling.
- Website/social media :- no developments.
- Planning Applications :- nothing relating to the area.
- Organisation survey:- Jen has been collecting and collating constitutions from the various organisations. Carol, Office Manager at Machars Action, has offered to visit to explain their services.
- Carscreugh Renewable Energy Park Limited:- the Memorandum of Understanding between The Community Council and Foundation Scotland is renewed every five years, and the chairman had recently taken part in that process. A copy of the revised Memorandum had been circulated prior to the meeting, acceptance of the changes was proposed by Douglas and seconded by Barbara. Applications for grants have been requested by 30th September 2021.
- Any Other Business:-
- Play Park :- Jock and Richard will discuss new facilities/equipment with the Community Association.
- It was agreed that Jen could publish Community Council agendas and minutes on an Elrig Facebook page.
- Jock has received complaints about the state and cleanliness of the public conveniences on the Kelton Steps, for which D & G have responsibility for cleaning and maintenance.
- Harbour Green bookings had been accepted for D&G Council Youth Work Scheme on 23t July and 1s August, 17:30 to 21:30.
The meeting ended at 20:10.
The next meeting will be Wednesday 29th September 2021