DRAFT- Minutes of Meeting held on Wednesday 26th January 2022 at the Maxwell Hall, Port William
1. Present and apologies for absence:-
Community councillors:- Mr. Douglas Ballantyne (Treasurer), Mr. Paul Carrigan, Dr. Jacqueline Crowther, Mx. Jen Hendry, Mr. Richard McElrea, Mr. Jock McMaster, Mrs. Babs Mellor, Mr. Steve Mellor, Mr. Peter Smellie (Chairman), Mrs. Sheila Smellie (Secretary)
There were no apologies for absence, elected members or representatives of the Police in attendance.
2. The Chairman declared an interest in the funds available from Carscreugh Energy Park and Kilgallioch Community Benefit Company in his capacity as Chairman of Maxwell Hall Management.
3. The Police Report has been circulated which included directives on poultry management due to avian flu.
4. The Minutes of the last meeting were accepted and signed – proposed by Richard, seconded by Jock.
5. Matters arising from the Minutes :-
a. The Harbourmaster has confirmed his availability for a site meeting on either 7th, 8th or 10th February between 1100 and 1500. It was agreed that the most convenient time would be 1100 on Monday 7th February.
b. Litter picking insurance:- The Chairman reported that the Community Council’s insurance does not cover this activity, but for an additional £16.00 they will cover five litter picks, which must involve a risk assessment and be approved by D & G Council. Jacqueline is happy to use Sea Shepherd insurance, for beach cleanings, which will be advertised on the noticeboard and on Facebook.
c. Action needs to be taken by D & G on street lights and ‘Keep Left’ signs in Port William, and elected members should be requested to become involved in this.
6. Treasurer’s Report :- £2000 has been received from Kilgallioch Community Benefit Company. The bank balance stands at £4832.40, being £2956.30 held on trust from Kilgallioch and Carscreugh, £1019.03 administration fund and £857.07 village improvements. The Bank of Scotland will provide a fortnightly mobile banking service at Port William.
7. Correspondence:- Responded to request for information from Forestry Scotland regarding traffic flows for the Flow or Elrig.
8. Harbourmaster meeting – see 5a above.
9. Notice boards:- Jacqueline and Paul will work together to repair the board and tidy up the information – many thanks to them. Jen will try to find the key for the Elrig noticeboard, but has offered to replace the facility if necessary.
10. Website/social media:- Babs did not receive the email from the Chairman following the November meeting, so he will re-send it. Is it possible for there to be a link from the website page to the Port William Facebook page?
11. Planning applications:- Applications have been made for a bungalow in Monreith, the formation of a new road and permission for a caravan and trailer at Changue and poultry housing at Killantrae.
12. Jen has been working on the local organisation survey and has so far identified twenty eight organisations. Her work continues and will be available in due course – thank you Jen.
13. Carscreugh Renewable Energy Park and Kilgallioch Community Benefit Company:- It was unanimously agreed that the balance of £956.30 of the Carscreugh funds be equally split between Port William Youth Group and Port William Playgroup – very many thanks to Carscreugh for their support to the community. The Community Council has received £2000 from Kilgallioch. Babs suggested that heating in the main room of the Maxwell Hall is not fit for purpose and various user groups have complained. Peter has been in touch with D & G to see if anything can be done, but it may be that the funding from Kilgallioch can be partly used on this project. It was also pointed out that the map of the village by the noticeboard is well out of date and could well be replaced, or a modern one acquired. Jen also proposed a community orchard on the Maxwell Park, but the winds may preclude such a project. It was agreed to promote the new funds and to discuss further at the next meeting.
14. Any Other Business:-
a. Babs thanked Jacqueline for her work in painting all the milestones on the roads around Port William.
b. Steve requested that a letter should be sent to D & G pointing out that the Council meetings have not been attended by any elected member for some considerable time, and their input into the proceedings and problems is valued by the Council.
c. Jock pointed out that the buses that run through the village do not appear to have any passengers and wondered about the economics involved. He also commented that D & G workers were seen at 0830 on 1st January at St. Medans carpark emptying rubbish bins…
d. Paul appealed for new members to join the Port William Development Trust.
e. A local resident reported a road safety concern to Jacqueline regarding a pallet stored on the highway on High Street. The views of the police will be sought on this matter.
f. Jen reported that the postbox in Elrig is at a difficult angle. This should be reported to the Post Office. Carol Lochrie from Machars Action is in the process of speaking at community council meetings in the area. Jen has attended two Machars Action meetings and will pass on the minutes. She suggested that for economic reasons street lighting should be turned off between 2300 and 0500.
g. Douglas reported that the Community Association requests support from the community for street parties, etc. for the Jubilee celebrations.
The meeting ended at 2055.
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 23rd February 2022.