DRAFT- Minutes of Meeting held on Wednesday 24th February 2021 online via Zoom


  1. Present and apologies for absence:-

Community councillors:- Mr. Douglas Ballantyne (Treasurer), Mx. Jen Hendry, Mr. Richard  McElrea, Mr. Jock McMaster, Mrs. Barbara Mellor, Mr. Steve Mellor, Mr. Peter Smellie (Chairman), Mrs. Sheila Smellie (Secretary)

Elected members:-  Mr. Jim McColm

Apologies for absence:-  Mr. P. Carrigan (unable to access Zoom), Mrs.Katie Hagmann, Mr. David Inglis, Mrs. Jackie McCamon


  1. There were no declarations of interest.


  1. The Police Report has already been circulated from Constable Colin McMillan outlining various online scams in operation.


  1. The minutes of the last meeting were accepted and signed, with the addition of the word ‘not’ into section 9 to read ‘…those present did not see any reason to object’ – proposed by the Treasurer and seconded by Jock.


  1. Matters Arising:-

Barbara will contact David Inglis re visit to access road to Killantrae.

The Chairman has contacted the two forestry operations re access, both of which have acknowledged.

No. 10 Elrig – a downpipe is causing the water problem which the resident will remedy.

Glenling road – Jen has had a response from D & G on 17th February stating an inspection had identified that the reported issue was not accepted as a defect (as defined by the Roads department), but that a site visit was to be made by an engineer.

Resilience funding – neither Douglas nor Richard (as treasurer of the Community Association) had heard from D & G, the Secretary will contact Kerren Walker for details.

The street lights in The Square are now off in daytime.  New lights are being installed on the harbour – subsequently it has been established that these are sign poles communicating ‘Danger Ramp’.

No satisfactory response has been received regarding other lights in the village, so a further report will be lodged.


  1. Treasurer’s Report: The  bank balance stands at £2448.47, being £1465.67 village improvements and £982.80 administration fund.  Discussions were held on a new picnic bench for the Kings Green play area- the chairman is to approach Solway Recycling and a new seat by the caravan site.  Steve will investigate a replacement finger post on Garnets Walk.


  1. Correspondence: The public toilets in Port William are closed Wednesday 24th February/Friday 26th February for maintenance work.

Machars Action: The Business Plan for Machars Action had been circulated to members of the Community Council. It was noted that the Community Council has a seat on the Board of Directors, which is currently allocated to Susan Windle (who no longer lives in the village).

The chairman posed two questions to the meeting- did the Community Council wish to retain its seat on the board, if it did who would be willing to be nominated?

Barbara asked for details of the activities of Machars Action, and Jim McColm (who represents D&G Council on the board) gave a brief overview of its activities. Opinion on the value of Machars Action to the Community Council and the community was divided, and Douglas agreed to contact Jak Kane (Machars Action Office Manager) to provide details of the operation of the business, and its value to the local area and the Community Council.


  1. Website: No developments.


  1. Planning Applications: No local ones


  1. Any other business:-


Barbara thanked Jim for his work on supplying a community bin.

Jim reported on Covid vaccinations :- 56000 have been achieved in Dumfries and Galloway, being 35/40% of the adult population.

Jim also informed the meeting that to address the impact of the recent wet and cold weather D&G Council were allocating £2.5 to £3 million to support road maintenance.

Jim then requested an update on reports of gravel extraction from the seaward side of South Street. The Chairman reported that a resident had raised the issue, and investigation established that it related to activities in relation to the demolition and rebuilding of the sea wall to the rear of a property on South Street. The resident was concerned about the impact on the sea defences and had raised a complaint with Marine Scotland, and was currently awaiting a response.

Douglas raised the subject of dog mess along High Street, an especially disappointing event in the current environment as those responsible can only be local residents.

The meeting ended at 20:25.

The next meeting is Wednesday 31st March 2021 at 1930.  Arrangements will be made to hold this online using Zoom should it not be possible to hold a physical meeting in the Maxwell Hall