DRAFT- Minutes of Meeting held on at the Maxwell Hall, Port William 27th April 2022


The Chairman opened the meeting by introducing the elected members present and Jock McMaster to the members of the public who are standing for election.

  1. Present and apologies for absence:-

Community councillors:- Mr. Douglas Ballantyne (Treasurer), Mr. Paul Carrigan,  Mx. Jen Hendry,  Mr. Jock McMaster, Mrs. Babs Mellor, Mr. Steve Mellor,  Mr. Peter Smellie (Chairman), Mrs. Sheila Smellie (Secretary)

Elected members:- Mr. David Inglis, Mr. Jim McColm

Apologies for absence:- Dr. Jacqueline Crowther, Mr. Richard McElrea

Members of the Public:- Ms. Rebecca Davison, Mr. Leom Gray, Mrs. Lesley McNaught, Mr. Bob Sheppard

There were no representatives of the Police in attendance.


  1. There were no declarations of interest.


  1. The Police Report has been received online – There were two incidents relating to road traffic accidents and one relating to threatening and abusive behaviour. There was also advice on ‘home alone’ dogs and counter-terrorism policing regarding the war in Ukraine.


  1. The Minutes of the last meeting were accepted and signed – proposed by Douglas and seconded by Babs.


  1. Matters Arising :- The boulder on the sea wall has been reported to D & G and will be inspected in due course.


  1. Treasurer’s Report:- The bank balance stands at £2390.10, being £983.03 administration fund, £857.07 village improvements and £550.00 from Kilgallioch Community Benefit Fund. The accounts are with Audrey Kevan for audit.  The bank has received the forms from Babs to be a signatory on the account.


  1. Correspondence:-
  2. An email from the Scottish Health Register requesting volunteers has been circulated.
  3. A street party, possibly including a marquee, will be held on the green on 5th June as part of the Queen’s anniversary celebrations.
  4. Representatives from D & G will visit Port William on Friday afternoon 29th April at 1400 to survey council carparks with a view to dedicate areas to camper vans. David Inglis reported that a grant of £5000 is available for siting camper vans on private property.  Jock, Bob, Rebecca and Peter have offered to attend the meeting with the officials as there is some confusion relating to ‘the harbour carpark.’
  5. An email has been received requesting permits for boarding documents which has been passed on to Will Jones, the Harbourmaster.


  1. Kilgallioch Community Benefit Fund:- the replacement for the village noticeboard has been costed at £408 and Mochrum Carpet Bowling Club have applied for funding of £2000 for a new door and windows. Jock suggested that a 50% contribution should be made from the village improvement fund for the noticeboard, which proposal was seconded by Babs.  The balance of £350 will be offered to Mochrum Bowling Club who will be invited to apply for further funds later in the year when the Carscreugh grant becomes available.


  1. Planning applications:- There have been no new planning applications or approvals in the area.


  1. Chairman and Secretary departure:- Peter confirmed that he and Sheila will be leaving the area on Saturday 7th A Casual Vacancy Election, when all co-opted council members stand down, has been organised for Tuesday 24th May when there are five nominations, including the four members of the public present and Mrs. Janis Edgar, following which the AGM will take place on 25th May when the Ward Officer will formally appoint the members of the committee.  Leom reported that no proxy votes or postal voting were available on this occasion.  David stated that an elected member could stand as chairman for that meeting if necessary.  The positions of chairman and secretary must be filled; Jock will initially chair the meeting and Babs will do the minutes again for one meeting only.  Peter will speak to both Babs and Leom later this week about the running of the secretary.pwcc@gmail.com function.  Babs offered to speak to Jenni Gray about the possibility of her becoming the minutes secretary on a temporary basis.  Thanks to all for their contributions.


  1. Website/social media:- Nothing to report


  1. Any Other Business:-
  2. Douglas has received further concerns about the derelict building in the harbour being dangerous to the neighbouring buildings. Bob, who is a structural engineer, underlined these concerns.  It will be reported to D & G Building Standards Department.
  3. Babs spoke about the Killantrae road, and David will investigate and assist where he can.
  4. Jim McColm is retiring as elected member of the D & G council and thanked community councils for their work. Our thanks and best wishes go to him for his years of service.
  5. Paul reported potholes in the layby beside Kings Green where vehicles are using it as a turning area. This will be reported to the Roads Department.
  6. Jen, who is standing down as a co-opted committee member, thanked everyone and left her best wishes. The secretary thanked her for the time and work she has put into the community council.
  7. Jock thanked Peter for all his hard work as chairman, and a card and gifts were presented to him and Sheila.


The meeting ended at 2020.

The next meeting will be the AGM held on Wednesday 25th May 2022.