1. Present and apologies for absence:-
Community councillors:- Mr. Douglas Ballantyne (Treasurer), Mr Paul Carrigan, Mx. Jen Hendry, Mr. Richard McElrea, Mr. Jock McMaster, , Mr. Peter Smellie (Chairman), Mrs. Sheila Smellie (Secretary)
Members of the public:- Mrs. Jacqueline Crowther
Apologies for absence:- Mrs. Barbara Mellor, Mr. Steve Mellor, Mrs. Katie Hagmann, Mr. David Inglis, Mrs. Jackie McCamon, Mr. Jim McColm
2. There were no declarations of interest.
3. The Police Report was circulated in advance and included two local items – the theft of a boiler and the activities of school children in the dilapidated building beside the school. Last month’s statement regarding dogs were reiterated. Jen asked after the behaviour of the youngsters in the old schoolhouse. The secretary will make enquiries.
4. The Minutes of the last meeting were accepted and signed – proposed by Jen seconded by Jock.
5. Matters Arising:-
a. Jen has yet to attend a Machars Action meeting, but is now a Director.
b. The streetlights in Monreith and the speed indicator have not been attended to. The matter will be referred to the elected members when they are available.
c. Work has been carried out at the public conveniences at the Kelton Steps and St. Medans.
d. The ‘No Overnight Parking’ signs at the Kelton Steps ad St. Medans have gone.
e. Jacqueline reported a damaged bench on Garnets Walk. Jock will see if it can be repaired, but if not it could be replaced using money from Carscreugh Renewable Energy Park Limited.
f. The picnic bench at Kings Green play area has been delivered.
g. D & G will notify residents of Mochrum of developments relating to the conservation area in June.
6. Treasurer’s Report:-
The bank balance stands at £1917.47, being £1032.17 village improvements and £883.30 administrative fund. Douglas is waiting for the completed forms for resilience finances from the Community Association due by 31st May. Richard will look into this and return any unspent funds.
7. Correspondence:-
A satisfaction survey has been completed and returned to D & G.
8. Website/social media – no developments.
9. Planning applications:-
The owner of The Clansman has applied for the premises to be converted to B and B, and a further application has been received for establishment of a small area of forestry at Barrachan. The forestry applicant requested feedback, and a request for them to avoid vehicle movements through Mochrum village will be made.
10. Carsgreugh Renewable Energy Park:-
A request for applications for funds has been published in the Parish magazine.
11. Any other Business:-
a. Dilapidated properties: complaints have been received about the state of some buildings in Port William and Monreith. The understanding is that it is not possible for D&G to force an owner to take action, however the Chairman will contact Building Standards to identify if there is any course of action open, and to establish a clear definition of what can or cannot be done.
b. Jacqueline reported a problem with the sea wall, which used to be covered in tar but is now disintegrating, opposite Tigh na Mara. This will be inspected by the Chairman and reported to the Roads Department.
c. Jen reported that ‘Temporary Surface’ road signs have been erected on the Elrig/Glenling road.
d. Jen enquired after the responsibilities of the various organisations in Port William, e.g., Community Council, Community Association, Development Trust, etc. A document detailing services and societies is needed. The Chairman asked Jen to draft her requirements for presentation at the next meeting.
e. Discussions were held on Visitor Ambassador volunteers as promoted by Third Sector Dumfries and Galloway. Jacqueline had expressed an interest in such a position and had discussed it with Third Sector D&G. She summarised her understanding of the role to the meeting, and The Chairman had previously circulated the job description for the volunteer positions. It was felt that tourist information and timetables should be displayed on noticeboards, at the caravan site and the View. The opinion of the meeting was that visitor numbers are too small to justify volunteers providing the service, and maybe Port William should look to Whithorn and be included in their schedule. Jacqueline agreed to feed the decision back to Third Sector D&G.
The meeting ended at 20:55.
The next meeting will be Wednesday 30th June 2021.