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Minutes of the Meeting held Wednesday 22nd February 2023

29th March 2023


Minutes of the Meeting held Wednesday 22nd February 2023

7.30 p.m. Maxwell Hall, Port William

PRESENT:-  Community Councillors – Mr R Sheppard (Chairman); Mr L Gray (Secretary); Mr D Ballantyne (Treasurer); Mr P Carrigan; Mr R McElrea; Mr J McMaster; Ms J Edgar and Dr J Crowther


Elected members – David Inglis


Members of the Public – Ms J Dean


Apologies – Mrs L McNaught, Ms R Davison, and Mrs B Mellor


  1. Declarations of Interest: None


  1. Police Report – Nothing to raise from January report.


  1. Minutes of the meeting held 25th January were issued to all members of the Community Council. Mr R McElrea proposed, and Mr J McMaster seconded.


  1. Matters Arising
    1. Noticeboards – R Sheppard has selected new noticeboards, to be discussed with D Ballantyne for purchase and installation
    2. The path at second sands has been raised with D Inglis who can raise with the Council for upgrade and future maintenance. DG Council has been maintaining during the summer season but the path is slowly thinning with grass growing.
    3. The bus shelter at the Main Square has been actioned by DGC – awaiting update.
    4. Old Mill – DG Council responded to our report about safety concerns over Old Mill. DGC visited and spoke with the owner, it is the owners responsibility to ensure the site is safe. R Sheppard has raised concern over no fencing being put up to prevent access to the site; main concern over children accessing the building. L Gray to respond to DGC requesting details of ‘reasonable timeframe’ and if fencing should be in place.
    5. Resident concern over house vibrations – R Sheppard to visit property. D Inglis did state there is no further response the Council can provide, however he can visit the property to discuss with the owner.


  1. Treasurer’s Report – Total money in bank—£2,756.15. This is made up of : Admin–£1,152.41, Village Improvements–£950.47, Kilgallioch–£200.00 and Carscreugh–£453.27.

Following on from receipt of Discretionary Grant from D & G Council of £843.60, payments were made to Port William Community Association of £770.40 towards the purchase of village Xmas trees ,as agreed by council and £73.20 to L Gray for the Mochrum Xmas tree lights.We thank D&G council for continuing to pay this grant to support the purchase of the Xmas trees.A further payment of £16.00 was made to Maxwell Hall for hire of supper room.

  1. Correspondence –
    1. Funding available –
      • The Coastal Benefit Fund Scheme is now open for applications – it provides funding for development and projects to improve coastal communities; Port William being one of the communities able to benefit. Applications are open until 27th March 2023. D Inglis suggested we could use this for seed funding to start a project. L Gray to find out further information for considering.
      • Dumfries & Galloway Region Wide Benefit Fund – £90k/year to hand out – another source of funding for community projects.
      • D Inglis provided good discussion on the different types of funding which can be applied for, however we need to have community support and an idea/plan of what funds would be used for. It is suggested we have a collaboration group for Port William and a sub committee meeting – bring everyone together and create a wider development plan for Port William.
  1. The Community Council Federation has commenced again – next meeting 28th February at 6pm – Wigtown Town Hall. D Ballantyne and R Sheppard to attend.
  • Funding is in place for DG Council to review and improve play parks in towns around the area. D Inglis can find out where PW is on the list. Garlieston received funds for their play park from Wheatley Group, if they have developed in PW we could approach them or similar housing group.
  1. Place Planning – Dr J Crowther has agreed to lead on enquiring about Place Planning and completing initial expression of interest application. Discussing with M Dolan.
    • D Inglis confirmed that Stranraer, Wigtown and Whithorn all have plans in the making.
    • For Place Planning to commence, the whole community needs to be involved to discuss and agree with development.
    • A meeting at the Newton Stewart Initiative to take place between 12-6pm for Place Planning on 28th February.


  1. Kilgallioch and Carscreugh updates –
    1. R McElrea read out an email received from Foundation Scotland advising that £2,000 is being donated to PWCC without requirement of an application.
      • Funds can be applied for via email or letter to the Chair – R Sheppard or Secretary
      • We would like to thank Kilgallioch for the allotted funds to help the community.


  1. Planning Applications – No new applications


  1. Website/Social Media Update –
    1. Website – Nothing to report
    2. Facebook – Views and activity is slowly increasing across both FB pages. Messages to share information are being received for the main PW page.


  1. O.C.B. –
    1. J Crowther – The Great British Clean Up week is commencing in March, as part of this JC has organised a beach clean for Saturday 18th March, meeting at 2pm Milton Point, West Barr, Port William. Also in discussion with Amey highways for clean up on A75 (for future reference).
    2. D Ballantyne – The Port William Pantomime had a successful run with over 200 tickets in sales and attendance. A successful community project for the area.
    3. Second Sands – the road to West Barr, potholes are really bad on the left hand side of the road. This needs to be reported and fixed.
    4. Harbour dredging – the harbour mouth is currently being dredged to remove a shingle barrier which has formed. This is ongoing and a digger in operation this evening.
      • There was a question raised over this happening again, and is it a result of the causeway structure and design? This is a bigger discussion and not one for this forum.
    5. Youth hall light complaint – the light has been adjusted, and is on for no more than two hours when events take place at the hall. R Shepperd in contact with the complainant.
    6. D Inglis – Right Care, Right Place – intermediate care survey which is due to close, is looking at the care availability in our Ward. including the Newton Stewart Hospital which is seeking support for reopening. The survey is from the Health Care Partnership, which L Gray did previously circulate. DI has encouraged us to complete the survey. L Gray to recirculate.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9:10 p.m.

Date and Time of the Next Meeting – Wednesday 29th March 2023 7.30 p.m. Maxwell Hall Supper Room

Draft Minutes of the Meeting held Wednesday 25th January 2023

10th February 2023

Draft Minutes of the Meeting held Wednesday 25th January 2023

7.30 p.m. Maxwell Hall, Port William

PRESENT:-  Community Councillors – Mr R Sheppard (Chairman); Mr L Gray (Secretary); Mr P Carrigan; Mr R McElrea; Mr J McMaster; Ms J Edgar and Mrs L McNaught


Elected members – None


Members of the Public – Ms J Dean


Apologies – Dr J Crowther, Mr D Ballantyne (Treasurer), and Mrs B Mellor


  1. Declarations of Interest: – L Gray for purchase and claim of new Mochrum Christmas tree lights.


  1. Police Report – A police officer was not in attendance, the latest report was received for December and January. 3 incidents were reported in December 2022; and none for January 2023


  1. Minutes of the meeting held 30th November were issued to all members of the Community Council. Ms J Edgar proposed, and Mr R McElrea seconded.


  1. Matters Arising
    1. Noticeboards – Quote in, sizing needs confirmed and then ordered – Action by R Sheppard
    2. The path at second sands on the road leaving Port William is overgrown, it was discussed of plans to renew the gravel path. Previously raised with DGC who are not the owners; however to approach again for future maintenance e.g. cutting of grass.
    3. The bus shelter at the Main Square is in need of maintenance, to be reported to DGC.


  1. Treasurer’s Report – Total money in bank–£2,772.15 this is made up of; Admin–£1,168.41, Village improvements–£950.47, Kilgallioch–£200 and Carscreugh–£453.27.

Payments in the month were–£12 to maxwell hall for room hire, £75 to Assist IT, and payments from Carscreugh grant to–Port William S.W.I.–£300,Maxwell Hall Management–£1,000,MADAG–£1,000 and Toddlers Group–£250.00.

We have not yet received £843.60 from D&G Council for payment towards Christmas trees, lights etc. I have reminded them that payment is due. D Ballantyne to contact Port William Community Association that on receipt of necessary invoices, we should pay over this money to them for payment towards 2022 Christmas trees & lights erected in Port William , Mochrum and Elrig. Monreith will receive £300 directly for MADAG.The money to be paid less £73.20 to be paid to L Gray (Secretary) for new Christmas lights etc. in Mochrum.(invoice received).

No objections received for issue of funds from Councillors, however funds may not cover additional lights claim. L Gray raised a declaration of interest for Mochrum Christmas lights.

  1. Correspondence –
    1. Portpatrick CC – Seeking assistance with an investigation – R Sheppard in contact, awaiting response.
    2. Youth Hall Lighting – a complaint was received via the website complaining of new lights installed at the youth hall which were impeding on private properties. It has been confirmed the position of lighting has changed. R Sheppard responded and updated the complainant.
    3. Wishing Well – D Ballantyne received a report from Port William Association of a child being hurt from the wishing well at the green. This is within PWCC ownership so was investigated. J MCMaster and D Ballantyne inspected the well and found that the handle was moving freely; the child was hurt when spinning the handle and it spun back and hit their lip. This resulted in a cut and A&E Treatment. No resistance was found with the handle during investigation. No further action is being taken and we wish the child a speedy recovery.


  1. Kilgallioch and Carscreugh updates –
    1. Remaining Carscreugh funds are planned for purchasing a new picnic bench for the slipway seating area at the Harbour.
    2. Kilgallioch funds application is due for submission at the end of February 2023. R McElrea to prepare an application, however we need to submit plans and proposals for funds, with the potential of up to £20,000 available to request. The following is being considered:
      • Upgrade and maintenance for the War memorial – further investigation required.
      • Two new picnic benches for Port William Village.
      • Further funds for Maxwell Hall from previous letter for funding
  1. We appeal to other organisations and groups in the area requiring funding to contact us to aid in the application with the hopes of the additional funding being available – Please contact a Councillor or the Secretary


  1. Planning Applications – One application – No objections


  1. Website/Social Media Update –
    1. Website – one complaint received, see Section 6.
    2. Facebook – The Port William Facebook page has been renamed to “What’s On in Port William, Dumfries & Galloway”, we hope this will help increase traffic and act as a virtual noticeboard for all activities and events happening in the area. Anyone wanting something posted, please send a message via Facebook. Port William Harbour facebook page continues to operate and steady traffic and interactions.


  1. O.C.B. –
    1. Email management – Following a scam email being sent to members of the Community Council claiming to be the Secretary from an unknown email address, it was agreed it best the PWCC email address be reset with new password and security protection in place. Nobody has been impacted by the suspect email, however as a precaution we have upgraded our email security.
    2. The Old Mill – It has been raised with Councillors over the concern of the Old Mill in Port William being unsafe and unsightly. As a private residence it is the owners responsibility to address any safety concerns. DGC have previously been contacted and made aware of the concerns. The building is classed as Under Construction, from previous discussions, rather than a derelict or abandoned building. Matter to be raised with DGC – L Gray
    3. A resident of Monreith has raised concern over their house vibrating when traffic passes. This has been ongoing for the past year. The matter has been raised with Environmental Health who have investigated. No resolution has been found currently, therefore we have been asked to escalate. R Sheppard has agreed to speak with residents, raising with the local Councillor for guidance.



There being no further business the meeting closed at 8:25 p.m.


Date and Time of the Next Meeting – Wednesday 22nd February 2023 7.30 p.m. Maxwell Hall Supper Room.

Draft Minutes of the Meeting held Wednesday 30th November 2022

16th December 2022

7.30 p.m. Maxwell Hall, Port William

PRESENT:-  Community Councillors – Mr R Sheppard (Chairman); Mr L Gray (Secretary); Mr D Ballantyne (Treasurer); Mr P Carrigan; Mr R McElrea; Mrs B Mellor; Mr J McMaster; Ms J Edgar and Mrs L McNaught


Elected members – None


Members of the Public – Ms J Dean, Mr S Mellor, PC J Jamieson


Apologies – Dr J Crowther, and Ms R Davison


  1. Declarations of Interest: – Mrs B Mellor as a member of the SWI in relation to their request for funds.


  1. Police Report – PC J Jamieson was in attendance and provided a verbal report over the past month in the area.
    1. There was an incident off shore of Port William on 19th November; this is part of an ongoing investigation in which the police are looking for witnesses or persons with information regarding the incident. If you are a witness or have information then please contact the Police, or Stranraer CID in particular.
    2. Stranraer Police Scotland Youth Volunteers are recruiting: Are you or anyone you know? 13 – 15 years old? Do you/they have an interest in Policing? Do you/they want to volunteer in your/their local community? If you are interested then please contact the group co-ordinator PC Emily Conroy at
    3. D Ballantyne asked about licences being given out for razor clam fishing – PC Jamieson advised these are handled by Marine Scotland
    4. S Mellor raised an incident in September which Police did not attend – PC Jamieson was unable to comment but will investigate.


  1. Minutes of the meeting held 25th October were issued to all members of the council. Mr J McMaster proposed, and Mr R McElrea seconded.


  1. Matters Arising
    1. Noticeboards – R Sheppard (Chairman) to size up and purchase suitable noticeboards. Money has been allocated for purchase.
    2. Dourie Farm & Co have been paid the annual £20 fee for rental of the Tennis Court land.
    3. Machars Action Group – R Sheppard attended however the meeting was cancelled.
    4. Pothole outside the Doctors surgery was filled in but is starting to erode again. To report once more.
    5. Harbourmaster – No actions following last discussions of improvements to the Harbour. To be followed up.


  1. Treasurer’s Report – Total money in bank–£5,409.15.This is made up of Admin–£1,255.41, Village improvements–£950.47, Kilgallioch–£200 and Carscreugh–£3,003.27. Many thanks to Carscreugh Energy Park for the payment of £3,003.27.Payments out in month were—£33.20 to Mrs Moira Adams for the remembrance wreath, £12 to Maxwell Hall for use of supper room and £72.72 for public liability insurance of Harbour Green.


  1. Correspondence –
    1. Place Planning – Dr J Crowther provided information place planning, currently there is a plan being considered for Stranraer. JC was unable to attend the meeting last month providing information on the new Place Planning process/agenda. LG circulated email and information to Councillors. Further discussion and consideration to take place with other groups in the area.


  1. Kilgallioch and Carscreugh updates –
    1. Carscreugh funding of £3003.27 has been received.
      • MADAG has been granted £1,000 from this fund
      • PWCC to allocate £600 for new picnic bench
    2. Latest applications for funding:
      • Local SWI Craft group have applied for £300 to help purchase supplies – Councillors have agreed to donate £300.
      • Maxwell Hall has requested money to help with building improvements including the roof. No specified amount – Councillors have agreed to donate £1,000.
      • B Mellor received a letter from The Toddlers group, they are looking for unspecified funds for their group; because the letter was not presented at the meeting, in principle, councillors have agreed to donate £100.
      • This allocates £3,000 of the Carscreugh funds for 2022.
  1. Ideas to be presented by February 2023 to write the application for Kilgallioch WF funds.


  1. Planning Applications – Four applications – No objections.
    • Secretary to forward planning applications to Councillors


  1. Website/Social Media Update –
    1. No website updates or enquiries received.
    2. The Facebook page – L Gray and B Mellor are now able to manage both Port William, Dumfries & Galloway; and Port William Harbour FB Pages. Port William Harbour seems the most active of the two. It has been agreed to change the name Port William, Dumfries & Galloway FB page to “What’s on in Port William” – to act as an online noticeboard for our local community.


  1. O.C.B. –
    1. L McNaught – Bus shelter at the Main square is to be raised with Council for repair and maintenance
    2. D Ballantyne raised the path leading from Second Sands out of Port William that requires resurfacing. To be raised with the DGC or Community Assets team for consideration.


There being no further business the meeting closed at 8:40 p.m.


Date and Time of the Next Meeting – Wednesday 25th January 2023 7.30 p.m. Maxwell Hall Supper Room.




Agenda for meeting to be held at 7:30 pm on Wednesday 30th November 2022 in the Maxwell Hall

9th November 2022
  1. In attendance/ apologies for absence
  2. Declarations of interest
  3. Police Report
  4. Minutes of the last meeting
  5. Matters arising from the minutes
  6. Treasurer’s Report
  7. Correspondence
  8. Kilgallioch and Carscreugh updates
  9. Planning Applications
  10. Website/ Social Media update
  11. Any other competent business


Next Meeting: 7:30 pm Wednesday 25th January 2023, Maxwell Hall.

Draft Minutes of the Meeting held Wednesday 26th October 2022

9th November 2022

Draft Minutes of the Meeting held Wednesday 26th October 2022

7.30 p.m. Maxwell Hall, Port William

PRESENT:-  Community Councillors – Mr R Sheppard (Chairman); Mr L Gray (Secretary); Mr P Carrigan; Mr R McElrea; Mrs B Mellor; Mr J McMaster; Ms J Edgar and Dr J Crowther (Co-opt)


Elected members – Cllr. K Hagmann


Members of the Public – Mr D Hirst, Ms J Dean, Mr S Mellor


Apologies – Mrs L McNaught, Mr D Ballantyne, Ms R Davison


  1. Declarations of Interest: – Mr J McMaster; Mr P Corrigan and Ms J Edgar have a conflict of interest regarding MADAG request for funding.


  1. Police Report – A Police Officer was not in attendance, the latest reports were received from October. Only one reported incident.


  1. Minutes of the meeting held 28th September were issued to all members of the council. Mr J McMaster proposed, and Mr R McElrea seconded.


  1. Matters Arising
    1. Noticeboards – R Sheppard (Chairman) researching the new notice boards to be purchased. Money has been allocated for purchase. It was discussed around access to the noticeboards; the keys are kept at the local shop for anyone to collect. Left side is for All notices; the right side for Village news only. It is agreed this set up should continue.
    2. All ongoing questions and concerns to be raised with the Community Council Enquiries Service. This keeps a log of outstanding actions.
    3. New Secretary – It was raised that due to personal commitments, L Gray cannot commit to their role as Secretary and asked for another appointment. No one has volunteered to take on the role. Cllr. K Hagmann raised that other councils pay for someone to be Minutes Secretary. L Gray advised taking and producing the minutes is not the issue and takes minimal time and commitment. To be discussed with M Dolan at Community Councils DGC.


  1. Treasurer’s Report – Total money in bank–£2,523.80.This is made up of Admin.–£1,373.33, Village Improvements–£950.47 and Kilgallioch –£200.(Earmarked for the notice board). Many thanks to D&G council for payment of the discretionary grant of £493.30(Same as last year) for administration etc. Payments in month were £12 to Maxwell Hall for use of supper room and £20 to Dourie Farming for lease of land at the MUGA. A wreath is to be purchased for the war memorial, the Chairman will attend the remembrance ceremony at the memorial on Remembrance Sunday.


  1. Correspondence –
    1. Machars Action Group – R Sheppard (Chairman) is going to attend the next meeting on behalf of PWCC.
    2. South Machars Surgery – Mr D Hirst raised concern regarding the availability of services at the local South Machars Practice Surgery. This followed an issue on a Friday where no GP or pharmacist was available for consultation; including those who normally cover when the practice is without a GP. It was discussed over the concern that this situation could occur more often; and that there is only 1 vacancy for a GP in the vacancy. Cllr. K Hagmann was able to provide further advice; she had been contacted directly by Mr Hirst and has arranged a meeting to bring all local Health services together to discuss; it has also been raised with the Chief of Social Work. PWCC can raise this matter directly also, by contacting the Health and Social Care Partnership; K Hagmann to provide the details. There is also the Wigtown Area Committee Meeting (Ward 2) where this matter is to be discussed – the meeting looks at performance data from the past year.
    3. Wigtown Area Committee Meeting (Ward 2) – Cllr. W Scobie is Chair, Cllr K Hagmann is Co-chair, however will be chairing the next meeting. All meetings are live streamed on Youtube. Anyone can attend on the day however questions cannot be raised at the meeting, but can be pre submitted for consideration.
    4. Ward 2 By-Election – Nominations are open for another 10 days; it is being held to replace a Councillor who reigned from their position.
    5. Funding has been allocated to refurbish the toilet block in Port William by Dumfries & Galloway Council. Email shared for Community Councillors – D Ballantyne raised that a fresh paint on the front would be advantageous.


  1. Kilgallioch and Carscreugh updates –
    1. Mr R McElrea is managing the correspondence for Wind Farm projects; and has been in contact with Foundation Scotland regarding this years grants. Has a direct contact there now, who has been very helpful.
    2. Carscreugh – £3003.27 has been granted to PWCC for this year.
    3. Kilgallioch – No application was received therefore no funds are being issued for this year. To be rectified for 2023; Councillors to propose funding considerations by February 2023. Potential funds to be allocated for the War Memorial refurbishment.
    4. All funds require an itemised list be provided to Foundation Scotland for the allocation of the funds received.


  1. Planning Applications – Two applications – No objections.



  1. Website/Social Media Update –
    1. No website updates or enquiries received.
    2. The Facebook page – Port William Dumfries & Galloway is the name of the Village FB page. B Mellor agreed to be Admin for the page; it was discussed about changing the FB page name to “What’s On in Port William” and use more as a virtual noticeboard. Sharing posts and information from groups and services in and around Port William. L Gray to ask J Henry to assign new Admins. A fresh start for 2023.
    3. Potential to create an instagram page for either Port William or Community Council. Look to discuss this for 2023.


  1. O.C.B. –
    1. Funding Applications – Only two aware of at time of meeting for consideration
      • MADAG – Requested £1000 – Mrs B Mellor Proposed and Dr J Crowther Seconded – No objections received – £1,000 to be awarded to MADAG for improvements at Monreith Hall.
      • Picnic Bench for Port William – Approx £600 – To raise with Community Asset Team at Dumfries & Galloway Council to determine costs and any discounts associated. Once confirmed, reassess for allocation of funds.


  1. Benches on the beach front at Kings Park – Cllr. K Hagmann discussed the Community Coastal Benefit Fund and Crown Estate Scotland Funding. Potentially £400,000 available and has previously been under prescribed. To be looked into further and potentially application issued on behalf of the Village – raise with Community Association also.
  2. Playpark Upgrade – Funding from the Council may be possible, to be raised with M Dolan At Community Councils. It was discussed about a community group being created to look at funding for a new playpark. Also a skatepark, it is known that young people are going to Glenluce to use the skatepark there.
  3. Cllr K Hagmann also advised on Place Planning which is a new concept – How to make the plae you live in the very best. Also the potential to Create a Community Action Plan. And also that Third Sector Dumfries & Galloway are another organisation who can help with community improvements and funding.
  4. Mr R McElrea rised there is a pothole outside the Doctors Surgery causing issues with accesibility. To be reported.


There being no further business the meeting closed at (:03 p.m.


Date and Time of the Next Meeting – Wednesday 30th November 2022 7.30 p.m. Maxwell Hall Supper Room.

 Draft Minutes of the Meeting held Wednesday 28th September 2022

5th November 2022


Draft Minutes of the Meeting held Wednesday 28th September 2022

7.30 p.m. Maxwell Hall, Port William

PRESENT:-  Community Councillors – Mr R Sheppard (Chairman); Mr L Gray (Secretary);  Mr D Ballantyne (Treasurer); Mr P Carrigan; Ms R Davison; Mr R McElrea; Mr J McMaster; and Dr J Crowther


Elected members – None


Members of the Public – Mrs D Kiltie; Mrs M Adams; Mr A K Sutherland


Apologies – Mrs B Mellor, Mrs L McNaught, Ms J Edgar


  1. Declarations of Interest: – Mr J McMaster has a conflict of interest regarding MADAG request for funding.


  1. Police Report – A Police Officer was not in attendance, the latest reports were received from July, August and September 2022.
    1. July 2022 – No overall police updates – One crime reported
    2. August 2022 – No overall police updates – Four crimes reported
    3. September 2022 – Overall update: Travelling community were camping at Kings Green, and subsequently moved on to Auchenmalg. Police received and handled several reports – One crime reported


  1. Minutes of the meeting held 29th June having been previously circulated and taken as read were proposed as a true and accurate record by Mr J McMaster and seconded by Ms R Davison. The meeting to be held on 27th July was cancelled at the last minute due to the absence of both Chairman and Secretary.


  1. Matters Arising
    1. Dr J Crowther raised concern regarding the noticeboard; information is being removed without control. New items are being removed and duplicates appearing. Following discussion; historically the left hand noticeboard was for everyone and the right hand for Village only news and updates.
    2. New notice boards have not been ordered; there was anticipation to fix the current ones however they are beyond repair. A budget of £500 has been allocated to replace the current noticeboards; preferably with UV protection.
    3. Letter to Council to be issued by Chairman to raise concerns regarding Bus Shelter maintenance in the Main Square, Benches along the Kings Park walkway, to be replaced; and maintenance of beach side walkway at Second Sands.


  1. Treasurer’s Report – Nothing major to report. Total money in Bank—£1,969.10; Admin fund–£912.03,Village improvements-£857.07, Kilgallioch community fund–£200.


  1. Correspondence –
    1. Machars Action Group are looking for a member of the Council to attend meetings as a representative. Ms R Davison is willing to attend. Secretary to find dates and provide confirmation that someone will attend.
    2. Isle of Whithorn CC were asking for assistance with an investigation. Chairman expressed interest however allocated numbers had been reached quickly.


  1. Kilgallioch and Carscreugh updates –
    1. Mr R McElrea is managing the correspondence for Wind Farm projects. The latest round of funding is due.
    2. Carscreugh funding is automatic and likely due in November.
    3. Kilgallioch requires an application to be submitted to Foundation Scotland with allocation of funding from 2021. R McElrea was unable to reach the main contact at Foundation Scotland to discuss. J McMaster contacted the former Chairman to find out what needs to be done. All forms are online and can be filled out and submitted. Update at next meeting.


  1. Planning Applications – Nothing to report



  1. Website/Social Media Update –
    1. Only one enquiry received via the website; turned out to be spam. No further updates currently.
    2. The Facebook page does not have a log in, Ms J Henry was the former admin and only requires a current member to be added as an admin to continue updating and monitoring. Mrs B Mellor had previously expressed interest in posting and updating FB going forward. To confirm at the next meeting.
    3. Potential to create an instagram page for either Port William or Community Council. Look to discuss this for 2023.


  1. O.C.B. –
    1. Funding Applications – Only two aware of at time of meeting for consideration
      • MADAG – Requested £1000
      • Picnic Bench for Port William – Approx £600 – R Sheppard to look into suitable benches.
    2. Mr L Gray raised their intention to step down as Secretary due to personal reasons; they will continue for the time being until an alternative is appointed. Anyone wishing to take on the position should notify the Secretary or Chairman.


There being no further business the meeting closed at 8:20 p.m.


Date and Time of the Next Meeting – Wednesday 26th October 2022 7.30 p.m. Maxwell Hall Supper Room.

Agenda for meeting to be held at 7:30 pm on Wednesday 27th July 2022

17th July 2022
  1. In attendance/ apologies for absence
  2. Declarations of interest
  3. Police Report
  4. Minutes of the last meeting
  5. Matters arising from the minutes
  6. Treasurer’s Report
  7. Correspondence
  8. Kilgallioch and Carscreugh updates
  9. Planning Applications
  10. Website/ Social Media update
  11. Any other competent business


Next Meeting: 7:30 pm Wednesday 28th September 2022, Maxwell Hall.

Draft Minutes of the Meeting held Wednesday 29th June 2022

17th July 2022


Draft Minutes of the Meeting held Wednesday 29th June 2022. 7.30 p.m. Maxwell Hall, Port William

PRESENT:-  Community Councillors – Mr R Sheppard (Chairman); Mr L Gray (Secretary);  Mr P Carrigan: Ms R Davison; Ms J Edgar; Mr R McElrea;  Mr J McMaster; Mrs B Mellor; Mr S Mellor.


Elected members – None


Members of the Public – Mrs L McNaught; Mr S Mellor.


Apologies – Dr J Cowther; Mr D Ballantyne (Treasurer)


  1. Declarations of Interest: – None relevant to matters being


  1. Police Report – A Police Officer was not in attendance, the latest report has been received and there was only one new matter raised. Complaints have been raised over parking near the Primary School with private access to properties being blocked. Notifications have been issued and parents/carers from the school informed.


  1. Minutes of the meeting held 25th May having been previously circulated and taken as read were proposed as a true and accurate record by Mrs B Mellor and seconded by Mr J McMaster.


  1. Matters Arising
    1. Killantrae Road – Mrs B Mellor has confirmed that following the last meeting, Cllr K Hagmann actioned the request and the road has now been resurfaced. Mr and Mrs Mellor would like to thank Cllr Hagmann for their prompt action to resolve this matter.


  1. Mochrum Carpet Bowling Club was issued with £350, acknowledgement has not been received of these funds. Mr L Gray has spoken with the Chair of the Club and it seems due to security on the account, they must wait for a statement to be issued by post to confirm the funds have been received. Mr L Gray will notify the Chair and Treasurer when confirmation is received.


  1. Appointment of Co-opted Members – Mr L Gray read out an email received from Dumfries & Galloway Council, stating that in Dr Jacqueline Crowther’s absence, as long as the proposer Mr J McMaster is present then the co-option vote can go ahead. A two thirds majority of the elected members has to be gained for successful co-option (therefore 6 votes from a possible 9 elected members). Mr R Sheppard (Chair) led the vote and asked if there were any objections from the 8 elected members in session. No objections were received and therefore Dr Jacqueline Cowther has been appointed as a co-opted member of the Community Council with 8 votes out of a possible 9. Mr R Sheppard led the second vote, for Mrs Lesley McNaught, and once more asked if there were any objections from the 8 elected members in session. No objections were received and therefore Mrs Lesley McNaught was appointed as a co-opted member of the Community Council with 8 votes out of a possible 9.


  1. Treasurer’s Report – Mr D Ballantyne (Treasurer) sent his apologies and forwarded the report to the Councillors. Mr R Sheppard read the report; Total money in bank–£1,981.10. Admin fund–£924.03,Village improvements–£857.07 and Kilgallioch community fund–£200.00. Payments in month–£12 to Maxwell hall management for hire of supper room,£350 to Mochrum bowls club.. Only pending payment is the noticeboard , awaiting final agreement. Madag is looking for £1,000 for hall improvements ,once new wind farm money is received.


  1. Correspondence –
    1. Mr L Gray has been managing the email account following appointment as new Secretary. All security settings have been changed following the departing of Mr and Mrs Smellie. Any relevant email correspondence has been forwarded to all Community Councillors throughout the month and will continue going forward. R Sheppard needs access to the email account, L Gray to action. No correspondence to report for the meeting.
    2. Mr L Gray asked if all notice boards in the ward are updated – Mr P Corrigan updates the noticeboard for Monreith; Dr J Crowther and Ms R Davison update the noticeboard at Port William; & Mrs J Gray updates Mochrum.


  1. Planning Applications – One application was received for Port William, no objections were raised.


  1. Website/Social Media Update –
    1. L Gray has issued minutes and agenda to the website manager A Lund however has received no response or acknowledgment. Mrs B Mellor raised the website as not user friendly and asked that Councillors review and discuss at the next meeting. Action for all Councillors to check if other community councils have websites. Also a request for data on the traffic to the website from A Lund.
    2. Facebook – L Gray did not receive login details for the Facebook Page, Mrs B Mellor advised that J Hendry used to post on the Facebook page. L Gray to ask J Hendry for login details. Going forward PWCC will utilise the Facebook page more to advertise local events and notices for all groups in the Ward.
    3. Instagram – L Gray raised if an instagram account should be registered for the PWCC. Ms R Davison agreed and advised she would be happy to post and manage. L Gray to look into and discuss at the next meeting.


  1. O.B. –
    1. Ms R Davison raised that cigarette buttes are being left under the bench at the bus stop in the main square, Port William. R Davison to create a notice to go above the bench to discourage this.
    2. Ms R Davison proposed setting up a WhatsApp group for the Councillors to raise and discuss matters outside monthly meetings. No objections were received from members. L Gray to look into and set up.
    3. Ms J Edgar and Ms R Davison raised the condition of the bus shelter on the Main Square of Port William. To be raised with DG Council.
    4. Dr J Crowther sent an email of AOB for the meeting in their absence- R Sheppard raised each point.
      • A villager approached a CC member (Douglas) about rubbish in the Main St section of the village harbour. Old tyres dumped, broken seating and old road signs. Local and Regional harbour masters contacted by J Crowther and this has now all been removed. J Crowther has thanked them for their swift response. Mr D Ballantyne thanked J Crowther for her prompt action and response to the issue.
      • Proposal for new seating area at the location mentioned above. J McMaster advised this could be considered for the next Wind Farm funds later in the year. Following discussion, acquire the costs associated with a new area and issue a formal proposal for consideration. To be discussed with DG Council also, if they would fund a new picnic bench. Mrs B Mellor raised that the benches on the edge of Kings Green have worn down; J McMaster advised they have been there for years and not easy to fix or upgrade due to being concrete. J McMaster to raise with the Community Association as to ownership and input.
      • Noticeboard – J Crowther provided quotes from company JACS. Treasurer raised that the cost does not coincide with what was approved by the PWCC.. Mr P Corrigan provided notification of previous quotes and that the proposed notice board may not be correct because only one side is needing replaced. P Corrigan and R Sheppard proposed to look into repairing the current noticeboard as an alternative option. Further discussion at the next meeting following inspection of the current board, and review of all quotes and options obtained.
    5. Ms R Davison proposed a meeting to bring all local community groups in our ward together for joint group discussions. R Davison and J Edgar to action.
    6. Mr R Sheppard raised issues with skips on the streets around the villages not being covered leading to waste material blowing in the winds and littering parts of the village including the beach and sea. To raise with DG Council for conditions of skip permits and requirement to contain waste in skips.
    7. Mr R McElrea raised concern that the pedestrian walkway from Second Sands out to Glenluce is now overgrown and the tarmac cannot be seen. R McElrea asked who is responsible for this. Matter to be raised with DG Council to upgrade the pathway.
    8. Mrs L McNaught has been approached about consideration of a putting or crazy golf within the village. L McNaught had researched and found this was previously considered by the Community Association, being quoted almost £600,000 for installation. Action to look at options and discuss at the next meeting.


There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.05 p.m.


Date and Time of the Next Meeting – 27th July 7.30 p.m. Maxwell Hall Supper Room.

Agenda for meeting to be held at 7:30 pm on Wednesday 29th June 2022 in the Maxwell Hall

9th June 2022

Agenda for meeting to be held at 7:30 pm on Wednesday 29th June 2022 in the Maxwell Hall


  1. In attendance/ apologies for absence
  2. Declarations of interest
  3. Police Report
  4. Minutes of the last meeting
  5. Matters arising from the minutes
  6. Appointment of co-opted members – Dr Jacqueline Crowther of 2 Bowling Green Road, Port William, DG8 9SW and Mrs Lesley McNaught of 89 Main Street, Port William, DG8 9SD. Duly proposed by Mr John McMaster of Blairbuy, Monreith, DG8 9LP; Seconded by Ms Rebecca Davison of 19 Main Street, Port William, DG8 9QH.
  7. Treasurer’s Report
  8. Correspondence
  9. Planning Applications
  10. Website/ Social Media update
  11. Any other competent business


Next Meeting: 7:30 pm Wednesday 27th July  2022, Maxwell Hall.

 Draft Minutes of the Meeting held Wednesday 25th May 2022. 8.00 p.m. Maxwell Hall, Port William

9th June 2022

Draft Minutes of the Meeting held Wednesday 25th May 2022. 8.00 p.m. Maxwell Hall, Port William

  1. PRESENT:- Community Councillors – Mr R Sheppard (Chairman); Mr L Gray (Secretary);  Mr D Ballantyne (Treasurer); Mr Paul Carrigan: Ms Rebecca Davison; Mrs J Edgar; Mr R McElrea;  Mr J McMaster; Mrs B Mellor; Mr S Mellor.


Elected member – Cllr K Hagmann;


Members of the Public – Dr J Crowther; Mrs J Gray (Acting Minute Secretary);  Mrs L McNaught; Mr S Mellor.


  1. Declarations of Interest: – None relevant to matters to be discussed.


  1. Police Report – Two Officers attended and informed members that they had had a report of a suspicious vehicle within the Port William area – this had been investigated and, with enquiries now complete, no criminality had been detected. They also advised of Trading Standards, Scotland launch of their annual ‘ Shut out Scammers’ campaign which will run for four weeks; subjects covered are – Mis-selling of Energy Efficiency Measures; Home Improvements(Consumer Led); Home Improvements(Cold Callers); and Consumer Empowerment – a social media kit of downloadable leaflets, information posters and ‘No Cold Calling’ stickers has been developed.


  1. Minutes of the meeting held 27th April having been previously circulated and taken as read were proposed as a true and accurate record by Mr D Ballantyne and seconded by Mr L Gray.


  1. Matters Arising
  • Further to the discussion in respect of dedicating sections of council car parks to camper vans Mr McMaster confirmed that the Harbour Car Park in Port William is not council owned. In view of a possible grant for such as advised by David Inglis at the last meeting he also spoke of the car park at the Golf Club at St Medan’ s with Cllr Hagmann confirming that any available funding must be applied for. She said that it is expected that 4 to 6 spaces may be allocated but with no facilities being provided, and Mr McMaster said that signs in regard to waste disposal had already been erected.
  • Kilgallioch Community Benefit Fund – i) Village Notice Board – Dr Crowther said that she did not feel the costing of £408 as stated in the minutes of the 27th April to be a realistic figure as she had already looked at some options which had been at a much higher cost. She agreed to investigate this further and was advised to look at a company by the name of ‘JACSUK ‘who specialise in making these using recycled materials. ii) Mr Gray to apply for funding on behalf of Mochrum Carpet Bowling Club.
  • Derelict Building, Port William Harbour – Cllr Hagmann advised that Elected members were taking forward their strategy on derelict buildings and that this issue was listed on their next agenda.
  • Killantrae Road – Mrs Mellor expressed concern that despite previous complaints nothing had been done to improve the condition of this road – Cllr Hagmann agreed to investigate.


  1. Finance Report – Copies of the Income and Expenditure accounts having been previously circulated Mr Ballantyne advised that the bank balance now stands at £ 2343.10, being £ 936.03 Administration Fund; £ 857.07 Village improvements and £550.00 from Kilgallioch Community Benefit Fund. He confirmed that Mr McElrea and Mrs Mellor had now been added as signatories on the accounts and that Mr Smellie had been removed.


  1. Correspondence – Mrs Mellor confirmed receipt of an e- mail received in regard to £60,000 worth of funding for youth groups which she was advised to forward to any such groups as well as to the school and to the Community Development Trust. Cllr Hagmann also spoke of a further allocation of around £600,000 to be available from June and advised members to consider a project for which to make an application, adding that if it was suitable project it could also be eligible for matched funding from the Kilgallioch Community Benefit. The possibility of improving the play area in Port William was muted and Cllr Hagmann suggested that a sub committee be formed to take this forward. She also reminded members that Melinda Dolan, as Ward Officer, would be able to assist them in such project.


  1. Kilgallioch & Carcreugh updates – Nothing to report – awaiting next round of funding


  1. Planning Applications – Nothing to Report


  1. Website/Social Media Update – Nothing to Report.





  1. A.O.B. –
  • Resignations and Co-options – Members noted the resignation of Mr Steve Mellor as a Community Councillor which together with the resignation of Mr Peter Smellie, who has now moved away from the area, created two vacancies within the Port William Community Council. Dr Jacqueline Crowther and Mrs Lesley McNaught were duly proposed by Mr Jock McMaster; Seconded by Ms Rebecca Davison to fulfil these vacancies and, in accordance with the Scheme of Establishment, full details of this proposed co-option will be included in the Agenda of the meeting to be held on the 29th June 2022
  • Mr McMaster said how he had been approached by the occupant of a house on the road between Monreith and Port William who was very concerned that heavy traffic was causing severe vibrations within her home. There is also concern of subsidence on this section of road and Cllr Hagmann requested that Mr McMaster pass on her e-mail address to the lady concerned and ask that she contact her direct.


There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.35 p.m.


Date and Time of the Next Meeting – 29th June 7.30 p.m. Maxwell Hall Supper Room.