Draft Minutes of the Meeting held Wednesday 29th June 2022



Draft Minutes of the Meeting held Wednesday 29th June 2022. 7.30 p.m. Maxwell Hall, Port William

PRESENT:-  Community Councillors – Mr R Sheppard (Chairman); Mr L Gray (Secretary);  Mr P Carrigan: Ms R Davison; Ms J Edgar; Mr R McElrea;  Mr J McMaster; Mrs B Mellor; Mr S Mellor.


Elected members – None


Members of the Public – Mrs L McNaught; Mr S Mellor.


Apologies – Dr J Cowther; Mr D Ballantyne (Treasurer)


  1. Declarations of Interest: – None relevant to matters being


  1. Police Report – A Police Officer was not in attendance, the latest report has been received and there was only one new matter raised. Complaints have been raised over parking near the Primary School with private access to properties being blocked. Notifications have been issued and parents/carers from the school informed.


  1. Minutes of the meeting held 25th May having been previously circulated and taken as read were proposed as a true and accurate record by Mrs B Mellor and seconded by Mr J McMaster.


  1. Matters Arising
    1. Killantrae Road – Mrs B Mellor has confirmed that following the last meeting, Cllr K Hagmann actioned the request and the road has now been resurfaced. Mr and Mrs Mellor would like to thank Cllr Hagmann for their prompt action to resolve this matter.


  1. Mochrum Carpet Bowling Club was issued with £350, acknowledgement has not been received of these funds. Mr L Gray has spoken with the Chair of the Club and it seems due to security on the account, they must wait for a statement to be issued by post to confirm the funds have been received. Mr L Gray will notify the Chair and Treasurer when confirmation is received.


  1. Appointment of Co-opted Members – Mr L Gray read out an email received from Dumfries & Galloway Council, stating that in Dr Jacqueline Crowther’s absence, as long as the proposer Mr J McMaster is present then the co-option vote can go ahead. A two thirds majority of the elected members has to be gained for successful co-option (therefore 6 votes from a possible 9 elected members). Mr R Sheppard (Chair) led the vote and asked if there were any objections from the 8 elected members in session. No objections were received and therefore Dr Jacqueline Cowther has been appointed as a co-opted member of the Community Council with 8 votes out of a possible 9. Mr R Sheppard led the second vote, for Mrs Lesley McNaught, and once more asked if there were any objections from the 8 elected members in session. No objections were received and therefore Mrs Lesley McNaught was appointed as a co-opted member of the Community Council with 8 votes out of a possible 9.


  1. Treasurer’s Report – Mr D Ballantyne (Treasurer) sent his apologies and forwarded the report to the Councillors. Mr R Sheppard read the report; Total money in bank–£1,981.10. Admin fund–£924.03,Village improvements–£857.07 and Kilgallioch community fund–£200.00. Payments in month–£12 to Maxwell hall management for hire of supper room,£350 to Mochrum bowls club.. Only pending payment is the noticeboard , awaiting final agreement. Madag is looking for £1,000 for hall improvements ,once new wind farm money is received.


  1. Correspondence –
    1. Mr L Gray has been managing the email account following appointment as new Secretary. All security settings have been changed following the departing of Mr and Mrs Smellie. Any relevant email correspondence has been forwarded to all Community Councillors throughout the month and will continue going forward. R Sheppard needs access to the email account, L Gray to action. No correspondence to report for the meeting.
    2. Mr L Gray asked if all notice boards in the ward are updated – Mr P Corrigan updates the noticeboard for Monreith; Dr J Crowther and Ms R Davison update the noticeboard at Port William; & Mrs J Gray updates Mochrum.


  1. Planning Applications – One application was received for Port William, no objections were raised.


  1. Website/Social Media Update –
    1. L Gray has issued minutes and agenda to the website manager A Lund however has received no response or acknowledgment. Mrs B Mellor raised the website as not user friendly and asked that Councillors review and discuss at the next meeting. Action for all Councillors to check if other community councils have websites. Also a request for data on the traffic to the website from A Lund.
    2. Facebook – L Gray did not receive login details for the Facebook Page, Mrs B Mellor advised that J Hendry used to post on the Facebook page. L Gray to ask J Hendry for login details. Going forward PWCC will utilise the Facebook page more to advertise local events and notices for all groups in the Ward.
    3. Instagram – L Gray raised if an instagram account should be registered for the PWCC. Ms R Davison agreed and advised she would be happy to post and manage. L Gray to look into and discuss at the next meeting.


  1. O.B. –
    1. Ms R Davison raised that cigarette buttes are being left under the bench at the bus stop in the main square, Port William. R Davison to create a notice to go above the bench to discourage this.
    2. Ms R Davison proposed setting up a WhatsApp group for the Councillors to raise and discuss matters outside monthly meetings. No objections were received from members. L Gray to look into and set up.
    3. Ms J Edgar and Ms R Davison raised the condition of the bus shelter on the Main Square of Port William. To be raised with DG Council.
    4. Dr J Crowther sent an email of AOB for the meeting in their absence- R Sheppard raised each point.
      • A villager approached a CC member (Douglas) about rubbish in the Main St section of the village harbour. Old tyres dumped, broken seating and old road signs. Local and Regional harbour masters contacted by J Crowther and this has now all been removed. J Crowther has thanked them for their swift response. Mr D Ballantyne thanked J Crowther for her prompt action and response to the issue.
      • Proposal for new seating area at the location mentioned above. J McMaster advised this could be considered for the next Wind Farm funds later in the year. Following discussion, acquire the costs associated with a new area and issue a formal proposal for consideration. To be discussed with DG Council also, if they would fund a new picnic bench. Mrs B Mellor raised that the benches on the edge of Kings Green have worn down; J McMaster advised they have been there for years and not easy to fix or upgrade due to being concrete. J McMaster to raise with the Community Association as to ownership and input.
      • Noticeboard – J Crowther provided quotes from company JACS. Treasurer raised that the cost does not coincide with what was approved by the PWCC.. Mr P Corrigan provided notification of previous quotes and that the proposed notice board may not be correct because only one side is needing replaced. P Corrigan and R Sheppard proposed to look into repairing the current noticeboard as an alternative option. Further discussion at the next meeting following inspection of the current board, and review of all quotes and options obtained.
    5. Ms R Davison proposed a meeting to bring all local community groups in our ward together for joint group discussions. R Davison and J Edgar to action.
    6. Mr R Sheppard raised issues with skips on the streets around the villages not being covered leading to waste material blowing in the winds and littering parts of the village including the beach and sea. To raise with DG Council for conditions of skip permits and requirement to contain waste in skips.
    7. Mr R McElrea raised concern that the pedestrian walkway from Second Sands out to Glenluce is now overgrown and the tarmac cannot be seen. R McElrea asked who is responsible for this. Matter to be raised with DG Council to upgrade the pathway.
    8. Mrs L McNaught has been approached about consideration of a putting or crazy golf within the village. L McNaught had researched and found this was previously considered by the Community Association, being quoted almost £600,000 for installation. Action to look at options and discuss at the next meeting.


There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.05 p.m.


Date and Time of the Next Meeting – 27th July 7.30 p.m. Maxwell Hall Supper Room.