DRAFT- Minutes of Meeting held on 9th March 2022 at the Maxwell Hall, Port William


  1. Note- this is the February meeting, delayed due to members testing positive for Covid.
  2. Present and apologies for absence:-

Community councillors:- Mr. Douglas Ballantyne (Treasurer), Mr. Paul Carrigan, Dr. Jacqueline Crowther,  Mr. Jock McMaster, Mrs. Babs Mellor, Mr. Steve Mellor,  Mr. Peter Smellie (Chairman), Mrs. Sheila Smellie (Secretary)

Apologies for absence:- Mx. Jen Hendry, Mr. Richard McElrea, Mrs. Katie Hagmann, Mr. David Inglis, Mr. Jim McColm

The Police were not in attendance.


  1. Declarations of interest:- See Item 11:  Paul and Jock are members of MADAG and Jock is in the Community Association.


  1. The Police Report was received previously but contained nothing of local interest.


  1. The Minutes of the last meeting were accepted and signed – proposed by Jock, seconded by Paul.


  1. Matters arising:-
    • The lights in Port William and Monreith are all working well – thanks to D & G and elected members.
    • The village noticeboard has been cleaned – thank you, Jacqueline, but a replacement is recommended – see Item 11.


  1. Treasurer’s Report: The bank balance stands at £3864, being £1007 administration fund and £857 village improvements.  We hold £2000 grant from Kilgallioch Community Benefits Company.  Two amounts of £478.15 were paid to the Port William Youth Group and Port William Play Group, being the balance of the grant from Carscreugh Renewable Energy Park.  Many thanks to these two organisations.


  1. Correspondence – nothing noteworthy.


  1. Feedback on Harbour visit:- Peter, Paul, Douglas and Jacqueline met with Will Jones on 7th  Will is working with the fishermen and harbour users to return redundant equipment to the harbour and process it correctly.  The progress he was making was welcomed and it is hoped improvements will continue.


  1. Communication,website/social media :- The Chairman suggested an integrated approach involving Facebook, website, noticeboards and Crosslink magazine, and asked if Babs, Jen and Jacqueline could work together towards this.


  1. Planning applications:- Permission has been applied for to replace the roof of the Old Schoolhouse.


  1. Kilgallioch Community Benefit Company :- A list has been circulated detailing applications for the grant of £2000. MADAG have requested £1000 towards a defibrillator.  Shaun has applied on behalf of the Community Association for £450 to cover a street party and presents for the children in the Jubilee celebrations.  Davina has applied on behalf of the Community Association for more money for the Carnival Queen celebrations, but this was granted and paid in 2020; Peter will inform Davina of this.  If funds are granted it must be identified as a contribution from the Community Council with thanks to Kilgallioch.  Jacqueline will investigate the costs of a replacement noticeboard.  Payments of £1000 to MADAG and £450 to the Community Association were approved – proposed by Babs and seconded by Jacqueline.


  1. Any Other Business:-
    • A booking for the Harbour Green in Carnival Week has been made.
    • Harbour Store safety concerns – the builder has erected security fencing around the property.
    • Douglas – The sign at Second Sands relating to parking on the slipway has blown over. Jock will look at reinstating it – thank you Jock.
    • There are two problems on the seawall – opposite Church Street and a stone has been removed towards the northern end – to be reported to D & G.
    • The A747 between Port William and Monreith is deteriorating badly and reconstruction work is recommended – to be reported to D & G.
    • The Chairman opened the discussion on the future of the Community Council after his and the secretary’s departure from southwest Scotland. More councillors must be recruited or a quorum of four members may not be attained.  Views are sought on how this can be achieved.  The Chairman’s duties and the secretary’s can be divided and shared amongst volunteers, rather than have blanket responsibilities.  Jacqueline offered to liaise with Will Jones on harbour developments.  A deadline of the end of April  has been suggested for proposals to cover Peter and Sheila’s work.

The meeting ended at 21:00.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 30th March 2022.