7.30 p.m. Maxwell Hall, Port William
PRESENT:- Community Councillors – Mr R Sheppard, Mr J McMaster, Mrs L McNaught, Mrs B Mellor, Ms R Davison, Mr D Ballantyne
Elected members – None present
Members of the Public – Ms J Dean, Mr T Cottam, Mr S Mellor
Apologies – Ms J Edgar, Mr L Gray, Mr R McElrea, Mr P Carrigan, Dr J Crowther
1. Declarations of Interest: None
2. Police Report – No police officer(s) attended the meeting. Latest report was received 20.03.23. Two incidents reported.
3. Minutes of the meeting held 22nd February 2023 were issued to all members of the Community Council. Mr J McMaster proposed, and Mr D Ballantyne seconded
4. Matters Arising from previous meeting:
a. Noticeboards have arrived, waiting for a break in the weather before they are installed.b. Path at Second Sands – No further response from D Inglis following his original comments.
c. Second Sands potholes – Mr L Gray reported these to DGC, and dates were provided when the roads from Port William to Whithorn were scheduled for repairs and maintenance.
d. Bus shelter – DGC have advised that it is on their action list, but work has not been carried out as yet.
e. Old Mill – No response from HSE regarding the site.
f. Resident concerns over vibration – R Sheppard has visited the property to speak to the resident, and also engaged with David Inglis, who has suggested that he could visit the resident. RS has tried to contact the resident to arrange a date for David Inglis to visit, but due to illness and then being away from home, no reply was received before the CC meeting.
5. Treasurer’s Report – Mr D Ballantyne provided an update to the latest situation. A number of requests for funding have been received, to be discussed at upcoming CC meeting.
6. Correspondence –
a. Local Place Plan – Meeting scheduled 18th April 2023 @ 2 pm in the Maxwell Hall supper room. This is an initial meeting to discuss with the Council what is needed. Once we have an idea of this, the CC will invite all “stakeholders” in the CC area to give their views on how we can improve the villages
b. Mobile stage – the CC have written back to the group looking for our support (but not funds from the CC) for a mobile stage that could be used anywhere in the Machars Area
c. Information Commission (ICO) – Mr L Gray has received a reminder of the annual fee due for this. Mr D Ballantyne confirmed that this would be paid, as normal. via DD in May.
d. An initial meeting regarding the reinstatement of a Federation for the CCs in Ward 2 was held in Wigtown, with R Sheppard in attendance. Proposal is for 4 annual meetings (one of which would be an AGM) for the 12 CC’s in Ward 2 to meet up to share experiences and to discuss local issues
7. Kilgallioch and Carscreugh updates
a. Kilgallioch have issued PWCC with £2,000 to help support the Community. We have received this money and we are grateful to Kilgallioch for providing the funds.
b. Funding requests received to the date of the meeting :
i) Whithorn SWI, looking for start up funds. This was discussed and it was felt that there was a conflict with the SWI in the village, and therefore the CC will not be going forward with this request. Official response to be issued
ii) Maxwell Hall – A very detailed letter was received from the MH Committee, and the CC recognises that we should support the request. Further discussion at upcoming meeting, dependent on any further requests for support from other groups.
iii) A request was received for funds to support a young person in the village with driving lessons (£900) to enable them to get to their place of work. It was agreed that this does not fall into the CCs remit, and that there are other funding opportunities for this sort of request. Official response to be issued.
8. Planning Applications
a. One new application advised by Mr P Corrigan to the CC.
9. Website/Social Media Update
a. Mr L Gray advised by email that two enquiries were received via the web site, and the originators were directed to the What’s On Port William Facebook page
b. Facebook – The What’s On page has been generating a lot of interest. Some of the posts that we have been asked to share are from the SMCC in Whithorn, albeit that the SMCC covers the whole of the Machars, and is well attended by residents of the CC area. R Sheppard has discussed with the Maxwell Hall Committee that they should also send a weekly update on events in the MH.
c. Mr L Gray is looking to create an Instagram page for the CC area. To be discussed at next meeting
10. A.O.C.B.
a. Dr J Crowther is to meet with the Harbour Master to discuss any issues, and an update on any proposed improvements.
b. There will be representatives from the CC for the Maxwell Hall AGM on 25th April at 7 pm
There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.50 p.m.
Date and Time of the Next Meeting – Wednesday 26th April 2023 7.30 p.m. Maxwell Hall Supper Room.