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Agenda for meeting to be held at 7:15 pm on Wednesday 28th February 2024 in the Maxwell Hall

25th February 2024

Agenda for meeting to be held at 7:15 pm on Wednesday 28th February 2024 in the Maxwell Hall

  1. In attendance/ apologies for absence
  2. Declarations of interest
  3. Co-option Vote – Mr Robert Sheppard (Chair) proposed Mr Tony Cottam of 11 Myrton Crescent, Port William, DG8 9SP, to be co-opted onto the Council, and this was seconded by Mr J McMaster.
    1. Voting by Councillors –
  4. Police Report
  5. Minutes of the last meeting
    1. Proposer –
    2. Seconder –
  6. Matters arising from the minutes
    1. Lamp at Wee Dram Barrel – and street lighting across PW – The lamp has been reported and to be replaced/fixed or removed. All other lighting can be reported on the DGC website.
    2. Flooding at the Old Creamery – LG reported to DGC
    3. Dog Fouling in Mochrum – New bin has been put outside the churchyard, plus signs put up and engagement with villagers.
    4. Speed indicator – Has been reported again, an electrician is to look at it.
    5. Noticeboards have been purchased, and need to be put up. Elrig requires a new structure to be built for attaching to.
  7. Treasurer’s Report
  8. Correspondence
  9. Kilgallioch and Carscreugh updates
  10. Planning Applications
  11. Local Place Planning
  12. Website/ Social Media update
  13. Any other competent business


Next Meeting: 7:30 pm Wednesday 27th March 2024 , Supper Room, Maxwell Hall.

DRAFT Minutes of the Meeting held Wednesday 4th October 2023

28th November 2023

DRAFT Minutes of the Meeting held Wednesday 4th October 2023
7.30 p.m. Maxwell Hall, Port William
PRESENT:- Community Councillors – Mr R Sheppad (Chairman), Mr L Gray (Secretary), Mr D Ballantyne (Treasurer), Mr J McMaster, Mr R McElrea, Dr J Crowther, Ms R Davison

Members of the Public – Mr T Cottam.

Apologies – Mrs B Mellor, Mrs L McNaught

1. Declarations of Interest: R Sheppard – Maxwell Hall Committee

2. Police Report – No report received prior to meeting; report was received via email following this meeting. 4 incidents in August.

3. Minutes of the last meeting –
a. Proposer – Mr J McMaster
b. Seconded – Dr J Crowther

4. Matters Arising from previous meeting:
a. Harbour car park – pothole has been filled in – keep an eye on it.
b. Material issue with bench; plastic is peeling off. JC to contact the company again as they recommended sanding down. Not good to release microplastics so close to shore.
c. Wishing well roof and paint – Roof has been redone. And someone has agreed to paint a sealife scene on the base, using sandtex paint which is to be acquired. May not be until Spring. Issue post/call for off cuts/paint donations for the project locally.
d. Noticeboards – Mochrum and Elrig noticeboard to be measured up for replacements.

5. Treasurer’s Report –
Total in bank: £3,899.24. This is made up of the following : Admin. fund-£1,506.31, Village improvements-£1,834.57, Carscreugh wind farm- £153.27, Kilgallioch fund-£200.00 and LPP fund–£205.09.
1. £843.60 will eventually be paid to Port William Community Association from the Village improvements fund when receipts are received for Christmas trees , lights etc. at the end of year.
2. Since our last meeting , we have received the Mochrum Christmas tree grant of £300.00, £493.30 from D & G Council –this is an annual amount which covers all our admin. items etc. and £430.43 from D & G Council towards our Place planning expenditure ( LPP ).
3. Payment to Jacqueline Crowther for all her expenditure with regard to the Place Planning meetings–£217.34 and Port William Bridge Club–£300.00 from Carscreugh wind farm.
4. MADAG to apply for Monreith Christmas tree money.
5. R Sheppard to give D Ballantyne receipt for PW Noticeboards. Funds waiting to be paid.

6. Correspondence – None, see Place Planning below.

7. Kilgallioch and Carscreugh updates – Next monies due November.
a. 2 requests for funding from Playgroup, and Toddlers group.

8. Planning Applications – N/A

9. Place Planning – J Crowther provided a summary following the two consultation exercises in September.
a. £90 total spend for Maxwell Hall Hire – 2 x 3 hours sessions. Maxwell Hall committee has agreed to cover this cost as a service to the community. We would like to thank Maxwell Hall for this generous offer.
b. Money to be kept for further LPP work.
c. J Crowther and R Davison – 7trh November meeting with Port William Primary school to discuss LPP.
d. Problems with the QR code for the consultation
i. Was raised with DGC
ii. New Link and QR code – consultation until the end of Oct now.
e. The two consultation exercises went really well – it was attended by both adults and children:
i. Positive engagement
ii. J Crowther has typed up a report
f. Community Development Trust – Third sector DGC can assist the CDT if they approach them for assistance.
i. CDT built the MUGA – Do they still run/maintain the hall?
g. Feedback to be given to the community following the consultation
i. PWCC can facilitate this but we cannot apply for funding to move forward with the LPP once agreed and written.
h. All groups within the villages come together for a collective project meeting.
i. To be confirmed – we hope all groups will join once arranged.
i. Article for church newsletter/guide

10. Website/Social Media Update – Good FB activity this past month.

11. A.O.C.B. –
a. J McMaster – Complaint – DGC to be notified of circle turning points at Kings Park – CCES
b. Main roundabout starting to break up from trucks/lorries movement.
c. Telephone box in PW – slab cracked/trip hazard
d. Potholes getting worse on the way out of PW at second sands.
e. Second sands slipway is a safety risk/slip hazard – not council owned – to contact CCES for advice.
f. D Ballantyne – Christmas party – R Sheppard to organise for 14 December at 7pm – Railway Inn.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9:00pm

Date and Time of the Next Meeting – Wednesday 29th November 2023, 7:30pm, Maxwell Hall.

Minutes of the Meeting held Wednesday 26th July 2023

28th August 2023

Minutes of the Meeting held Wednesday 26th July 2023
7:30 p.m. Maxwell Hall, Port William
PRESENT:- Community Councillors – Mr R Sheppard (Chair), Mr D Ballantyne (Treasurer), Mr L Gray
(Secretary), Mr B Mellor, Mr R McElrea, Mrs L McNaught, Dr J Crowther,
Elected members – None
Members of the Public – Mr T Cottam, Mr S Mellor
Apologies – Mr R Davison, Mr J McMaster, Mr P Corrigan
1. Declarations of Interest: Mr D Ballantyne and Mrs B Mellor as members of bridge club
2. Police Report – Report received – 0 incidents for month of July 2023
3. Minutes of the last meeting – Final draft has not been finalised due to amendment required, to
be redistributed and seconded via email.
a. Proposer – Mrs B Mellor
b. Seconded – Dr J Crowther
4. Matters Arising from previous meeting:
a. Enquiry for paid garden service from DGC – no longer available following COVID
b. Garnets Walk – DGC confirmed a contractor has been tendered to maintain the core
path, this is to be completed by 1st August 2023.
c. Hosting talks – anyone wishing to make a talk/presentation should notify the secretary
via email prior to meeting. All members of the public are welcome to meetings and can
raise questions or issues at AOCB.
d. New Benches – 6 new benches and 1 picnic bench have been placed in Port William
and Mochrum. Members of public have commented on the nice new benches to Mrs L
e. Meet your Community Councillors – Tea/coffee meeting to be discussed at the next
f. Federation funds – TBC by Mr A K Sutherland, Chair of Federation
5. Treasurer’s Report – Total in bank: £3,212.85.This is made up of the
following:Admin.Fund–£1,033.01, Village Improvements-£1,534.57, Carscreugh Wind
Farm-£453.27, Kilgallioch Fund-£200.00 and Place to Be–Debit of £8.00.
Port William Primary School has cashed a cheque for £300.00.We have received the first part
of our D&G Council Grant for Port William–£543.60. Mochrum–£300 still to be received.The
wishing well has paid us £40.50 and thank you to Jock McMaster for doing speedy repairs.Only
payment this month was to Maxwell Hall –£20.00 for the use of the supper room.
Expression of interest forms were submitted to D&G Council, towards payment of a special
discretionary Grant.The D&G Grant is paid annually for payment towards the purchase of Xmas
trees and lights in Port William , Elrig and Mochrum .MADAG make their own claim for
Monreith. Approval required to pay the total grant ie £843.60 ,when received ,to Port William
Community Association as they purchase and erect the Xmas trees and and village light
decorations.This of course is subject to receipt of paid invoices and requesting the Association
for any publicity material thanking the council for the funds. A report will be returned to the
Council showing fund use in January 2024.

Approval granted for £843.60 to be issued to Port William Community Association
6. Correspondence –
a. Mochrum Noticeboard – received complaint the noticeboard is falling off hinges. A new
NB to be costed up and be considered for next WF funding round.
b. Wishing Well – J McMaster has repaired the wishing well for now, the handle and bar for
the bucket. The well is in need of some TLC, a fresh lick of paint and potentially a new
roof. Discussions on adding a design to the bottom of the well either via the school or
local artist. Dr J Crowther to look into.
c. Christmas Brochure received address to Mr J Gray – no action required.
7. Kilgallioch and Carscreugh updates – R McElrea, money is received through microgrant and
going forward we do not need to apply for next year’s funds. Going forward we are unlikely to
receive regular correspondence. This is good news and removed a lot of paperwork, however
we will still be required to report on how the money is spent from the previous years.
a. Due to a new picnic bench being placed by DGC, the funds saved have now been freed
up. £453.27 – Carscruegh Wind Farm.
b. Bridge Club – The bridge club has requested funds to buy new tables as the current
ones are dated. Each table costs £150, the Chair proposed we allocate £300 for the
cost of two new tables for the club. No objections were received, proposed by Dr J
Crowther, seconded by Mr R McElrea. The bridge club has been granted £300.
Treasurer to issue funds. £153.27 remains in the Carscreugh fund.
8. Planning Applications – None
a. Do Community Councils receive short let notifications from DGC – Mr L Gray has not
seen any correspondence for short lets and they do not appear on the planning
9. Place Planning – Dr J Crowther provided an update on Place Planning for this month.
a. Chris Churns has been a great help and JC is appreciative of this. The audit has now
been completed from Maxwell Hall to Kings Green. Audit carried out by J Crowther, R
Davison, J Edgar, and M Auld.
b. CC has created a spreadsheet to document all the findings and JC has typed a
description document to go alongside. This information will appear on the Place Plan
and include a map of the area being considered.
c. Secretary to receive email for public consultation funds – a meeting is to be arranged for
middle of September for public consultation. To look at availability to host meeting at
Maxwell Hall.
d. There is a pot of money we can apply for in organising community interest and getting
togethers. When the Place Plan is written up, we won’t have a pot of money so will have
to apply for funding as a Community.
e. Third Sector DGC can help within finding funds and grants, but as a Community
Council, we are limited in applying for funding. It requires either a charity, SCIO or trust
set up for the Place Plan – to be discussed at a public consultation meeting. Potentially a
Place Plan committee or steering group. Port William Development Trust was formerly
set up but is not active currently.
f. For anything to be considered for development, it needs to be documented in the Place
g. Social media response and access to Place Plan included in a QR code which can be
put on a website, FB page, and advertised on Noticeboard and local newsletters.
h. Councillors have agreed that Dr J Crowther has authorisation to apply for Local Place
Plan funding on behalf of the Community Council.
i. I would like to takethis opportunity to thank Dr J Crowther for coordinating the work for
the Place Plan.

11. A.O.C.B. –
a. Harbour Car Park – There is a hole in the car park, Harbourmaster has checked this,
DGC have said it’s not their responsibility. Hole getting bigger needs to be escalated and
b. A recycled plastic bench at the car park is starting to peel – JC has emailed the company
who made the bench, awaiting their response.
c. Monreith Arms – compliments to new owners, the building is looking great with the
refurbishment works and rendering.
d. D Ballantyne – compliments to the Secretary for the new document templates for the
Community Council
e. Old Mill – To be raised with Emma Harper, who takes interest in derelict buildings in
f. T Cottam – the playpark in Bowling Green road has received upgrades however no
consideration for toddler age kids – L Gray to raise with DGC.
g. L Gray sent apologies for the next meeting being held on 27th September 2023. A
couple of other councillors apologised, L Gray proposed we move the next meeting to
4th October 2023. This was agreed, no objections. T Cottam has booked this for PWCC.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8:55pm – There is no meeting in August.
Date and Time of the Next Meeting – Wednesday 4th October 2023.

Minutes of the Meeting held Wednesday 28th June 2023, 7:30 p.m. Maxwell Hall, Port William

28th August 2023

Minutes of the Meeting held Wednesday 28th June 2023, 7:30 p.m. Maxwell Hall, Port William
PRESENT:- Community Councillors – Mr R Sheppard, Mr L Gray (Secretary), Mr J McMaster, Ms R
Davison, Mr R McElrea, Mrs B Mellor, and Mrs L McNaught
Elected members – None
Members of the Public – PC D Broadfoot, PC Osbourne, Mr A K Sutherland
Apologies – Mr P Corrigan, Mr D Ballantyne (Treasurer), Dr J Crowther
1. Declarations of Interest: None
2. Police Report – Police present at meeting. Report received – 2 incidents involving the same
3. Minutes of the last meeting –
a. Proposer – Mrs B Mellor
b. Seconded – Ms R Davison
4. Matters Arising from previous meeting:
a. Second sand path – path has been strimmed now. However, I’m still hoping it can be
b. Speed indicator, Monreith – Cllr K Hagmann emailed to confirm this is to be
c. Council Tax Write off – Email was received from Cllr K Hagmann and distributed to Cllrs.
d. Potholes – Ones reported have been filled in, but others have appeared. This is an
ongoing issue within the area.
5. Treasurer’s Report –
a. No change since last month,Total in bank–£2,648.75. No payments this month.
Awaiting invoice for notice board which will be funded from part Kilgallioch and part
village improvements fund.Holding £453.27 for Carscreugh which was to be for a new
picnic bench.
Port William School received their cheque for £300, but at the time of meeting had not
been cashed yet.
For information Bob Sheppard has been added to the list of signatories for online
banking and cheques. Two signatures are always required.
6. Correspondence –
a. Garden service – email was received from a member of the public asking if the council
still provides a paid garden service. Secretary to check with DGC.
b. Garnets Walk – The walkway is overgrown with vegetation and can’t be passed easily.
To be reported to DGC for cutting and ongoing maintenance, as it is a core path.
7. Kilgallioch and Carscreugh updates – Nothing to report this month.
8. Planning Applications – No update
9. Website/Social Media Update – No updates or actions to report. FB is running well with
increased traffic and activity.

10. A.O.C.B. –
a. Hosting guests and talks – It was discussed about time limiting anyone wishing to speak
at community council meetings for complaints and concerns. This led to a lengthy
discussion. Community Council meetings are open to the public and as such, anyone
can attend. Anyone wishing to raise a concern or complaint should notify the Secretary
either before the meeting or when first arriving at the meeting. The opportunity to raise
and discuss will be at AOCB on the agenda.
i. NOTE: Community Council meetings are public meetings, anyone can attend.
There is an agenda to be followed, and everyone is permitted their say at these
meetings, and should be given the time to speak without interruption.
b. Meeting Decorum – Following interruptions and debate at a former meeting, we are
sending a gentle reminder that everyone has their say at meetings, but each person will
get their turn. The Chair is in control of the meeting and should be respected.
c. W Broll – Benches are available for the area – Secretary to discuss with W Broll on best
d. R Davison asked if we could have a tea/coffee morning for the public to meet their
Community Councillors? No objections raised.
e. Old Mill – Concerns raised again over safety of site.
f. Mr A K Sutherland – The Newly elected Ward 2 Federation CC Chair. The federation has
only reconvened as of 2023.
i. Raising common issues as a whole across the Ward – There are 12 CCs in Ward
ii. Wanting positive things from each CC to share at meetings.
iii. Federation is using common resources as a group; they meet 3 times a year
plus an AGM.
iv. L Gray asked if funds are available for CCs attending Federation meetings?
Previously raised by D Ballantyne.
v. Next meeting is in September 2023.
g. Noticeboard in PW needs updating with the latest meeting minutes.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8:30 p.m.
Date and Time of the Next Meeting –7.30 p.m., Wednesday 26th July 2023, Maxwell Hall.

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held Wednesday 31st May 2023

2nd July 2023

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held Wednesday 31st May 2023
7.30 p.m. Maxwell Hall, Port William
PRESENT:- Community Councillors – Mr R Sheppard, Mr D Ballantyne, Mr L Gray (Minutes
Secretary), Mr J McMaster, Ms R Davison, Dr J Crowther, Mr R McElrea, Mrs B Mellor, Mrs L
Elected members – Cllr K Hagmann
Members of the Public – Mrs J Gray, Mr T Cottam, Mr S Mellor, Mr G McAlpine
Apologies – Ms J Edgar, Mr P Corrigan
1. Election of Office Bearers – Mr J McMaster took the seat as Chair for the AGM. He thanked the
community councillors and the office bearers for their work over the past year. Mr L Gray acted
as minutes secretary for the election. Mr J McMaster started election, the outcome is as follows:
a. Chairman – Mrs B Mellor proposed Mr R Sheppard for Chair, Mr R McElrea seconded
this proposal. With no further nominations or objections, Mr R Sheppard is to continue
as Chair until May 2024.
b. Treasurer – Mrs B Mellor proposed Mr D Ballantyne for Treasurer, Dr J Crowther
seconded this proposal. With no further nominations or objections, Mr D Ballantyne is to
continue as Treasurer until May 2024.
c. Secretary – Ms R Davison proposed Mr L Gray for Secretary, Mr D Ballantyne seconded
this proposal. With no further nominations or objections, Mr L Gray is to continue as
Secretary until May 2024.
2. Minutes of AGM held on May 2022
a. Proposer – Mr D Ballantyne
b. Seconder – Mr R McElrea
3. Matters arising from the minutes – None
4. Chairman’s Report – Mr R Sheppard read his Chairman’s report for the year from May 2022 to
the Community Council as follows:
1.0 Meetings
I am happy to report that during the year since the last AGM our full complement of 10 meetings
have been held at the Maxwell Hall. We have had some attendance from the elected members,
who have always been helpful in their contributions. We have had occasional attendance of the
local police officers, but we have received reports from them electronically for each meeting.
2.0 Office bearers
I would like to give my thanks to the Treasurer for his efforts with the handling of our financial
affairs, and the Secretary, who like myself, is new to the post, and has been diligent with the
preparation of minutes and distribution of emails received relating to the local area. Thanks go
to R McElrea for his efforts in dealing with wind farm applications, and to P Carrigan for
monitoring Planning Applications.In addition,
I would like to thank the remaining Community Council members for their support
throughout the year, with a special nod to J Edgar, who will be leaving our ranks to take up the
role of Chair at the Maxwell Hall. She will be a sad loss to the CC, but Maxwell Hall needs her
time, and we fully appreciate that.
3.0 Financials
I will leave our esteemed Treasurer to go into detail, but we have received two parcels of wind
farm money during the year, and we have been pleased to receive applications from local
groups for assistance, and we have distributed the funds received in what I believe to be a fair
4.0 Ward 2 Federation of Community Councils
During the year I attended the inaugural meeting of the proposed re-formed Federation of CCs,
which has been instigated by D&G Council. Further meetings are planned.
5.0 Place Planning
Mainly due to the enthusiasm for the subject by our CC Dr J Crowther, myself and R Davison
joined her for a meeting with 4 members of the Council staff to discuss what we need to do and
what support will be available.
Although unlike (say) Whithorn, there is no “golden egg” at the end of the process, it is still very
important for local groups that might apply for funding in the future. This is especially so for the
Maxwell Hall and their plans in the future. I’m sure that the members of the CC look forward to
assisting Jaqueline in her efforts.
6.0 Liaison with the Harbour Master
Again, mainly due the efforts of Dr Crowther, some progress has been made with tidying up
and maintaining the harbour.
7.0 Review panels
The Chair represented the CC on two review panels during the year, and the experience gained
from these has been helpful to further understand how other CCs operate and a better
understanding of the actions related to these review processes.
8.0 Notice boards
Admittedly much later than I had hoped, but the new notice boards are now installed in The
Square, and the keys will be held in the Spar as has been the custom. The old signage above
the sign boards has also been removed.
5. Financial Statement and Treasurer’s Report – Mr D Ballantyne read his report for the year from
May 2022 to the Community Council as follows:
The year commenced with an overall balance in the account of £2,414.10. At the end of this
financial year we had £4,740.15 in the bank account.This was made up of Administration Fund
of £1,136.41, Village Improvements Fund-£950.47, Carscreugh Wind Farm Community Fund —
£453.27 and Kilgallioch Community Benefit Fund—£2,200. An overall surplus of £2,326.05 was

We were once again delighted to receive strong financial support from Carscreugh Wind Farm
Community Fund of £3,003.27 and paid out £2,550.00 to local organisations as listed in the
accounts. In addition we received £2,000.00 from Kilgallioch Community Benefit Fund which will
be paid out in the next financial year .From the previous year’s funds we paid out £800 to local
Outstanding items still to be paid from the Community Benefit Funds are : £200 from Kilgallioch
towards the notice board and £453.27 from Carscreugh for payment of a picnic table.
We were once again pleased to receive £843.60 from D&G Council which enabled us to pay for
xmas lights in Mochrum and pass over to Port William Community Association a contribution
towards Xmas trees in the villages.
The wishing well continues to contribute to the Village Improvements fund —£93.40.
Many thanks to D&G Council for their continued Discretionary Grant of £493.30 which assists
greatly to cover administration , hall hire , insurance etc.
Once again , I would record my thanks to Mrs Audrey Kevan for examining the accounts.
Mr D Ballantyne requested a proposer and seconder for the annual report – Mr J McMaster
proposed; Mr R McElrea seconded.
6. Nominations for other positions
a. Press Secretary- currently Leom Gray
i. Mr L Gray is happy to continue in this role. No further nominations or objections
were raised, Mr L Gray to continue as Press Secretary until May 2024
b. Planning Application monitoring- currently Paul Corrigan
i. Mr P Corrigan had confirmed prior to the AGM that he had no objections
continuing as Planning Application monitor. No further nominations or objections
were raised, Mr P Corrigan to continue in this position until May 2024.
c. Wind Farm administration- currently Richard McElrea
i. Mr R McElrea is happy to continue in this role. No further nominations or
objections were raised, Mr R McElrea to continue as Wind Farm administrator
until May 2024.
d. Website liaison with Andy Lund- currently Leom Gray
i. Mr L Gray is happy to continue in this role. No further nominations or objections
were raised, Mr L Gray to continue as Website Liaison until May 2024.
7. Meeting plan for the coming year
19:30 hours on the last Wednesday of each month, excluding August and December when no
meeting will be held. Planned to be in the Maxwell Hall
8. Any other business – None
There being no further business the meeting closed at 7:45pm
Date and Time of the Next Meeting – Wednesday 29th May 2024, 7:30pm, Maxwell Hall, Port William.

Minutes of the Meeting held Wednesday 31 May 2023

2nd July 2023

Minutes of the Meeting held Wednesday 31 May 2023, 7.45 p.m. Maxwell Hall, Port William
PRESENT:- Community Councillors – Mr R Sheppard, Mr D Ballantyne, Mr L Gray (Minutes
Secretary), Mr J McMaster, Ms R Davison, Dr J Crowther, Mr R McElrea, Mrs B Mellor, Mrs L
Elected members – Cllr K Hagmann
Members of the Public – Mrs J Gray, Mr T Cottam, Mr S Mellor, Mr G McAlpine
Apologies – Ms J Edgar, Mr P Corrigan
1. Declarations of Interest: None
2. Police Report – Received, no incidents this month. The report has been updated with a new
3. Minutes of the last meeting –
a. Proposer – Mrs B Mellor
b. Seconded – Dr J Crowther
4. Matters Arising from previous meeting:
a. Notice Boards – Have now been installed and in full use. Keys are stored at the Spar
b. Second Sands pathway – Grass has only been partially cut and we are now in season
for adders living in the overgrown areas. The path is no longer a path due to overgrowth;
it was formerly maintained by DGC.
i. K Hagmann to have a Ward event to discuss and raise areas of concern – details
to follow.
ii. K Hagmann advised contacting R Louther, Community Assets Manager, to
discuss options. LG to contact R Louther.
5. Treasurer’s Report –
Total in Bank : £2,648.75. (Village improvements- £950.47 , Carscreugh Wind
Farm–£453.27, Kilgallioch–£200.00 , Admin.–£1,053.01, Place to Be–£8.00 debit.)
I have shown an item for Place to Be for the first time , in case further charges are
incurred and may be reclaimed.
In month we made payments from the Kilgallioch Fund to Maxwell Hall
Management-£700, Port William Community Shop-£700, Port William S.W.I.–£300 and
Port William Primary School–£300.Two payments to Maxwell Hall for supper room
rental of £16 and £20 and for data protection–£35.
It should be noted that Maxwell Hall increased their charges on 25/4–Supper room–£8
per hour to £10 per hour. Main Hall now £15 per hour.
6. Correspondence –
a. Mrs J Gray – Concerned about Japanese Knotweed on their property at Hillhead
i. Councill have been contacted, and in discussions with J Gray. It is outside the
control of PWCC to assist in this matter, as it is a civil and legal matter. LG to
provide J Gray with Citizens advice bureau contact details.
b. Place Planning
i. Dr J Crowther has had further contact with DGC. The audit of the village needs
to take place soon. The audit needs to cover an appropriate sized area; likely
from Maxwell Hall, through the main village square and along to the Community
Shop; encompassing the Harbour. 2 or 3 volunteers are required to assist. Dr J
Crowther to be in contact with volunteers following the meeting

ii. Community Consultation meeting – Funds have been requested from DGC to
assist with setting this up.
iii. Sanquhar has an approved place plan – K Hagmann advised it would be
worthwhile looking at theirs to assist with ours.
iv. Community Lead Regeneration Funding is a possible source for funding the PW
Place Plan.
7. Kilgallioch and Carscreugh updates – No update
a. Dr J Crowther asked to be considered for funding to purchase equipment for maintaining
the milestones across the area.
i. K Hagmann advised funding could be available through the Common Good Fund
from DGC.
ii. Also could apply directly to WF for funds, as the milestones go beyond our
Community Council boundaries.
8. Planning Applications – One application – No objections raised.
9. Website/Social Media Update – No updates or actions to report. FB is running well with
increased traffic and activity.
10. A.O.C.B. –
a. C Cameron from Citizens Advice DGC came along to the meeting to discuss the project
she is a part of in the Wigtownshire area, hosting surgeries in Newton Stewart, Wigtown
and Whithorn. CC provided a run through of the surgeries and the type of advice given,
almost anything e.g. financial, travel, housing; except legal advice, but they can provide
details on where to get legal advice. CC asked if hosting an advice session in Port
William would be beneficial. Previously it was deemed not viable, however following
some discussion with Community Councillors and K Hagmann, we agree it would be
beneficial. PWCC is happy to support this surgery, however it should be discussed and
organised with Maxwell Hall to arrange a suitable date and times. Any advertising for the
surgery would be placed on notice boards and the FB page.
b. J McMaster – Speed indicator at Monreith not working and has been reported to the
police and DGC.
i. K Hagmann advised there is no budget in this area for speed signs and
cameras, currently.
c. J McMaster – Asked if Council Tax write off information is published.
i. K Hagmann says it is published online, and shows amounts over £25,000. KH to
send information to L Gray.
d. B Mellor – Raised issue with potholes in the area and claims to Council not being
i. K Hagmann stated there is a budget for the potholes but DGC are struggling to
hire contractors to carry out all the work.
ii. BM said we can’t claim if the pothole hasn’t been reported; but then came back
saying it can take up to 4 weeks for repair with another claim.
iii. KH couldn’t shed light on DGC legal handling of these matters.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.20 p.m.
Date and Time of the Next Meeting –7.30 p.m., Wednesday 28 June 2023, Maxwell Hall.

Agenda for Annual General Meeting to be held at 7:30 pm on Wednesday 31st May 2022 in the Maxwell Hall

26th May 2023
  1. Election of Office Bearers
    1. Chairman
    2. Treasurer
    3. Secretary
  2. In attendance/ apologies for absence
  3. Minutes of AGM held on May 2022
  4. Matters arising from the minutes
  5. Chairman’s Report
  6. Financial Statement and Treasurer’s Report
  7. Nominations for other positions
    1. Press Secretary- currently Leom Gray
    2. Planning Application monitoring- currently Paul Carrigan
    3. Wind Farm administration- currently Richard McElrea
    4. Website liaison with Andy Lund- currently Leom Gray
  8. Meeting plan for the coming year
    19:30 hours on the last Wednesday of each month, excluding August and December when no meeting will be held. Planned to be in the Maxwell Hall
  9. Any other business

Next AGM Meeting: 7:30 pm Wednesday 29th May 2024, Maxwell Hall.

Agenda for meeting to be held at 7:30 pm on Wednesday 31st May 2023 in the Maxwell Hall

26th May 2023
  1. In attendance/ apologies for absence
  2. Declarations of interest
  3. Police Report
  4. Minutes of the last meeting
  5. Matters arising from the minutes
  6. Treasurer’s Report
  7. Correspondence
  8. Kilgallioch and Carscreugh updates
  9. Planning Applications
  10. Website/ Social Media update
  11. Any other competent business



Next Meeting: 7:30 pm Wednesday 28th June 2023, Maxwell Hall.

Minutes of the Meeting held Wednesday 25th April 2023

26th May 2023

PRESENT:- Community Councillors – Mr R Sheppard (Chair), Mr D Ballantyne (Treasurer), Mr L Gray
(Secretary), Mr J McMaster, Mr P Corrigan, Mrs B Mellor, Dr J Crowther, Mrs L McNaught, Ms J Edgar,
Ms R Davison
Elected members – N/A
Members of the Public – Mr T Cottam
Apologies – Mr R McElrea
1. Declarations of Interest: Mrs B Mellor and Ms R Davison for SWI fund request, and BM for
Community Shop request
2. Police Report – Report received 25/04/2023 – Only 1 incident reported.
3. Minutes of the last meeting –
a. Proposer – Mr D Ballantyne
b. Seconded – Ms J Edgar
4. Matters Arising from previous meeting:
a. Noticeboards been delivered, now to be installed – RS
b. Path at second sands – to discuss further with D Inglis following previous meeting
i. PWCC would need to purchase the materials (gravel) for the path, maybe carry
the work out in Autumn
ii. To be considered as part of LPP
c. Bus Shelter – DGC has assessed and found no damage, scratched and dirty panels do
not fall within the budget for improvements (currently).
d. Vibration complaint – Big road works have taken place recently – RS to contact residents
to see if any improvement.
5. Treasurer’s Report –
a. Total in Bank :£4,727.75.( Village improvements-£950.47, Carscreugh Wind
Farm-£453.27., Kilgallioch-£2,200.00,Admin–£1,124.01)
b. In one month we received £3.60 refund from Ferguson & Co (this is a rebate on fees
while researching ownership of Harbour Green ), and £16.00 paid to Maxwell Hall for
supper room.
c. End of year accounts completed and signed off by Audrey Kevan. These to be
circulated by secretary with other May AGM papers.
6. Correspondence –
a. Local Place Plan – Dr J Crowther is the lead on discussions with DGC for a local place
plan for Port William. On 18th April, LPP representatives from DGC had a meeting with
members of PWCC, outlining what LPP is all about and how we can commence.
i. LPP is looking at what we (as a community) want Port William to be and look
ii. This is a Community project and must include all residents and groups for Port
iii. To gather as much local voice and discussion as possible, everyone within the
Port William and surrounding area. This to commence with a public meeting, and
potential door to door leaflet drop. This is to obtain as much information and
opinions as possible
iv. An audit of Port William needs to be carried out to determine the areas of
importance – Green spaces to be looked at, which should be kept and others
appropriate for alternative purposes.
v. All information is available for the LPP team at DGC, including assessment tool
and guidance.
vi. Funding – This project has to be self funded by the community; there are grants
available and Third Sector D&G are able to assist with identified areas of
funding. Also can discuss ideas for funding from other Groups and Charities
within the area.
1. Small pot of £200 available for stationery
2. Can look into Lottery Funding
vii. Everybody needs a voice – to start a meeting with representatives from all
groups in Port William. A meeting to be determined over the coming months.
viii. There is a lot of work to be carried out, and the plan needs to be developed by
Summer 2024.
ix. For anyone with questions regarding the Local Place Plan, you can talk to all
members of PWCC or email
1. Please note, enquiries have only been initiated and we are still
gathering information before community engagement commences
b. Harbourmaster Meetings – Regional Harbourmaster having meetings to bring all harbour
users together. Dr J Crowther attended on PWCC behalf, the discussions and actions
were as follows:
i. Dredging material needs removed from PW harbour – waiting on the contractor
to remove but material needs to dry first.
ii. Budget to be approved for regular dredging at PW
iii. Painting of the Harbour walls is to continue
iv. Waste from fishing piling up again – to be monitored
v. CCTV to be installed at Harbour to protect boats and assets on the harbour.
vi. New lighting poles
vii. Breakwater to be looked at – maybe widen the mouth
viii. Signs going up for reporting issues at Harbour – QR code and phone number
ix. No timescales provided for actions above
c. Maxwell AGM took place last night – many people in attendance.
7. Kilgallioch and Carscreugh updates –
a. Letter for funding received from Community Shop, requesting £1000
b. Following discussions and assessing all funding requests, the following donations have
been approved:
i. SWI (Port William)- £300
ii. Port WIlliam Primary School – £300 for purchase of outdoor shed
iii. Maxwell Hall – £700 – to assist with building maintenance inc. roof repairs
iv. Community Shop – £700 – to assist with shop maintenance and purchase of new
c. Chair to write to each group informing them of allocated funds – D Ballantyne to be given
details for where Community Shop and School funds to be paid e.g. BACS or Cheque.
8. Planning Applications – None
9. Website/Social Media Update –
a. Traffic improving on FB page – Engagement continuing positively
b. Instagram – Not going forward with creating an account, stick with FB for now.
10. A.O.C.B. –
a. J Edgar to step down as Community Councillor at AGM – 31st May
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8:40pm
Date and Time of the Next Meeting – 31st May 2023 at 7:30pm – This is the AGM

Minutes of the Meeting held Wednesday 29th March 2023

4th May 2023

7.30 p.m. Maxwell Hall, Port William
PRESENT:- Community Councillors – Mr R Sheppard, Mr J McMaster, Mrs L McNaught, Mrs B Mellor, Ms R Davison, Mr D Ballantyne
Elected members – None present
Members of the Public – Ms J Dean, Mr T Cottam, Mr S Mellor
Apologies – Ms J Edgar, Mr L Gray, Mr R McElrea, Mr P Carrigan, Dr J Crowther

1. Declarations of Interest: None

2. Police Report – No police officer(s) attended the meeting. Latest report was received 20.03.23. Two incidents reported.

3. Minutes of the meeting held 22nd February 2023 were issued to all members of the Community Council. Mr J McMaster proposed, and Mr D Ballantyne seconded

4. Matters Arising from previous meeting:
a. Noticeboards have arrived, waiting for a break in the weather before they are installed.b. Path at Second Sands – No further response from D Inglis following his original comments.
c. Second Sands potholes – Mr L Gray reported these to DGC, and dates were provided when the roads from Port William to Whithorn were scheduled for repairs and maintenance.
d. Bus shelter – DGC have advised that it is on their action list, but work has not been carried out as yet.
e. Old Mill – No response from HSE regarding the site.
f. Resident concerns over vibration – R Sheppard has visited the property to speak to the resident, and also engaged with David Inglis, who has suggested that he could visit the resident. RS has tried to contact the resident to arrange a date for David Inglis to visit, but due to illness and then being away from home, no reply was received before the CC meeting.

5. Treasurer’s Report – Mr D Ballantyne provided an update to the latest situation. A number of requests for funding have been received, to be discussed at upcoming CC meeting.

6. Correspondence –
a. Local Place Plan – Meeting scheduled 18th April 2023 @ 2 pm in the Maxwell Hall supper room. This is an initial meeting to discuss with the Council what is needed. Once we have an idea of this, the CC will invite all “stakeholders” in the CC area to give their views on how we can improve the villages
b. Mobile stage – the CC have written back to the group looking for our support (but not funds from the CC) for a mobile stage that could be used anywhere in the Machars Area
c. Information Commission (ICO) – Mr L Gray has received a reminder of the annual fee due for this. Mr D Ballantyne confirmed that this would be paid, as normal. via DD in May.
d. An initial meeting regarding the reinstatement of a Federation for the CCs in Ward 2 was held in Wigtown, with R Sheppard in attendance. Proposal is for 4 annual meetings (one of which would be an AGM) for the 12 CC’s in Ward 2 to meet up to share experiences and to discuss local issues

7. Kilgallioch and Carscreugh updates
a. Kilgallioch have issued PWCC with £2,000 to help support the Community. We have received this money and we are grateful to Kilgallioch for providing the funds.
b. Funding requests received to the date of the meeting :
i) Whithorn SWI, looking for start up funds. This was discussed and it was felt that there was a conflict with the SWI in the village, and therefore the CC will not be going forward with this request. Official response to be issued
ii) Maxwell Hall – A very detailed letter was received from the MH Committee, and the CC recognises that we should support the request. Further discussion at upcoming meeting, dependent on any further requests for support from other groups.
iii) A request was received for funds to support a young person in the village with driving lessons (£900) to enable them to get to their place of work. It was agreed that this does not fall into the CCs remit, and that there are other funding opportunities for this sort of request. Official response to be issued.

8. Planning Applications
a. One new application advised by Mr P Corrigan to the CC.

9. Website/Social Media Update
a. Mr L Gray advised by email that two enquiries were received via the web site, and the originators were directed to the What’s On Port William Facebook page
b. Facebook – The What’s On page has been generating a lot of interest. Some of the posts that we have been asked to share are from the SMCC in Whithorn, albeit that the SMCC covers the whole of the Machars, and is well attended by residents of the CC area. R Sheppard has discussed with the Maxwell Hall Committee that they should also send a weekly update on events in the MH.
c. Mr L Gray is looking to create an Instagram page for the CC area. To be discussed at next meeting

10. A.O.C.B.
a. Dr J Crowther is to meet with the Harbour Master to discuss any issues, and an update on any proposed improvements.
b. There will be representatives from the CC for the Maxwell Hall AGM on 25th April at 7 pm
There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.50 p.m.
Date and Time of the Next Meeting – Wednesday 26th April 2023 7.30 p.m. Maxwell Hall Supper Room.