Minutes of the Meeting held Wednesday 25th April 2023


PRESENT:- Community Councillors – Mr R Sheppard (Chair), Mr D Ballantyne (Treasurer), Mr L Gray
(Secretary), Mr J McMaster, Mr P Corrigan, Mrs B Mellor, Dr J Crowther, Mrs L McNaught, Ms J Edgar,
Ms R Davison
Elected members – N/A
Members of the Public – Mr T Cottam
Apologies – Mr R McElrea
1. Declarations of Interest: Mrs B Mellor and Ms R Davison for SWI fund request, and BM for
Community Shop request
2. Police Report – Report received 25/04/2023 – Only 1 incident reported.
3. Minutes of the last meeting –
a. Proposer – Mr D Ballantyne
b. Seconded – Ms J Edgar
4. Matters Arising from previous meeting:
a. Noticeboards been delivered, now to be installed – RS
b. Path at second sands – to discuss further with D Inglis following previous meeting
i. PWCC would need to purchase the materials (gravel) for the path, maybe carry
the work out in Autumn
ii. To be considered as part of LPP
c. Bus Shelter – DGC has assessed and found no damage, scratched and dirty panels do
not fall within the budget for improvements (currently).
d. Vibration complaint – Big road works have taken place recently – RS to contact residents
to see if any improvement.
5. Treasurer’s Report –
a. Total in Bank :£4,727.75.( Village improvements-£950.47, Carscreugh Wind
Farm-£453.27., Kilgallioch-£2,200.00,Admin–£1,124.01)
b. In one month we received £3.60 refund from Ferguson & Co (this is a rebate on fees
while researching ownership of Harbour Green ), and £16.00 paid to Maxwell Hall for
supper room.
c. End of year accounts completed and signed off by Audrey Kevan. These to be
circulated by secretary with other May AGM papers.
6. Correspondence –
a. Local Place Plan – Dr J Crowther is the lead on discussions with DGC for a local place
plan for Port William. On 18th April, LPP representatives from DGC had a meeting with
members of PWCC, outlining what LPP is all about and how we can commence.
i. LPP is looking at what we (as a community) want Port William to be and look
ii. This is a Community project and must include all residents and groups for Port
iii. To gather as much local voice and discussion as possible, everyone within the
Port William and surrounding area. This to commence with a public meeting, and
potential door to door leaflet drop. This is to obtain as much information and
opinions as possible
iv. An audit of Port William needs to be carried out to determine the areas of
importance – Green spaces to be looked at, which should be kept and others
appropriate for alternative purposes.
v. All information is available for the LPP team at DGC, including assessment tool
and guidance.
vi. Funding – This project has to be self funded by the community; there are grants
available and Third Sector D&G are able to assist with identified areas of
funding. Also can discuss ideas for funding from other Groups and Charities
within the area.
1. Small pot of £200 available for stationery
2. Can look into Lottery Funding
vii. Everybody needs a voice – to start a meeting with representatives from all
groups in Port William. A meeting to be determined over the coming months.
viii. There is a lot of work to be carried out, and the plan needs to be developed by
Summer 2024.
ix. For anyone with questions regarding the Local Place Plan, you can talk to all
members of PWCC or email secretary.pwcc@gmail.com
1. Please note, enquiries have only been initiated and we are still
gathering information before community engagement commences
b. Harbourmaster Meetings – Regional Harbourmaster having meetings to bring all harbour
users together. Dr J Crowther attended on PWCC behalf, the discussions and actions
were as follows:
i. Dredging material needs removed from PW harbour – waiting on the contractor
to remove but material needs to dry first.
ii. Budget to be approved for regular dredging at PW
iii. Painting of the Harbour walls is to continue
iv. Waste from fishing piling up again – to be monitored
v. CCTV to be installed at Harbour to protect boats and assets on the harbour.
vi. New lighting poles
vii. Breakwater to be looked at – maybe widen the mouth
viii. Signs going up for reporting issues at Harbour – QR code and phone number
ix. No timescales provided for actions above
c. Maxwell AGM took place last night – many people in attendance.
7. Kilgallioch and Carscreugh updates –
a. Letter for funding received from Community Shop, requesting £1000
b. Following discussions and assessing all funding requests, the following donations have
been approved:
i. SWI (Port William)- £300
ii. Port WIlliam Primary School – £300 for purchase of outdoor shed
iii. Maxwell Hall – £700 – to assist with building maintenance inc. roof repairs
iv. Community Shop – £700 – to assist with shop maintenance and purchase of new
c. Chair to write to each group informing them of allocated funds – D Ballantyne to be given
details for where Community Shop and School funds to be paid e.g. BACS or Cheque.
8. Planning Applications – None
9. Website/Social Media Update –
a. Traffic improving on FB page – Engagement continuing positively
b. Instagram – Not going forward with creating an account, stick with FB for now.
10. A.O.C.B. –
a. J Edgar to step down as Community Councillor at AGM – 31st May
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8:40pm
Date and Time of the Next Meeting – 31st May 2023 at 7:30pm – This is the AGM