Draft Minutes of the Meeting held Wednesday 26th October 2022


Draft Minutes of the Meeting held Wednesday 26th October 2022

7.30 p.m. Maxwell Hall, Port William

PRESENT:-  Community Councillors – Mr R Sheppard (Chairman); Mr L Gray (Secretary); Mr P Carrigan; Mr R McElrea; Mrs B Mellor; Mr J McMaster; Ms J Edgar and Dr J Crowther (Co-opt)


Elected members – Cllr. K Hagmann


Members of the Public – Mr D Hirst, Ms J Dean, Mr S Mellor


Apologies – Mrs L McNaught, Mr D Ballantyne, Ms R Davison


  1. Declarations of Interest: – Mr J McMaster; Mr P Corrigan and Ms J Edgar have a conflict of interest regarding MADAG request for funding.


  1. Police Report – A Police Officer was not in attendance, the latest reports were received from October. Only one reported incident.


  1. Minutes of the meeting held 28th September were issued to all members of the council. Mr J McMaster proposed, and Mr R McElrea seconded.


  1. Matters Arising
    1. Noticeboards – R Sheppard (Chairman) researching the new notice boards to be purchased. Money has been allocated for purchase. It was discussed around access to the noticeboards; the keys are kept at the local shop for anyone to collect. Left side is for All notices; the right side for Village news only. It is agreed this set up should continue.
    2. All ongoing questions and concerns to be raised with the Community Council Enquiries Service. This keeps a log of outstanding actions.
    3. New Secretary – It was raised that due to personal commitments, L Gray cannot commit to their role as Secretary and asked for another appointment. No one has volunteered to take on the role. Cllr. K Hagmann raised that other councils pay for someone to be Minutes Secretary. L Gray advised taking and producing the minutes is not the issue and takes minimal time and commitment. To be discussed with M Dolan at Community Councils DGC.


  1. Treasurer’s Report – Total money in bank–£2,523.80.This is made up of Admin.–£1,373.33, Village Improvements–£950.47 and Kilgallioch –£200.(Earmarked for the notice board). Many thanks to D&G council for payment of the discretionary grant of £493.30(Same as last year) for administration etc. Payments in month were £12 to Maxwell Hall for use of supper room and £20 to Dourie Farming for lease of land at the MUGA. A wreath is to be purchased for the war memorial, the Chairman will attend the remembrance ceremony at the memorial on Remembrance Sunday.


  1. Correspondence –
    1. Machars Action Group – R Sheppard (Chairman) is going to attend the next meeting on behalf of PWCC.
    2. South Machars Surgery – Mr D Hirst raised concern regarding the availability of services at the local South Machars Practice Surgery. This followed an issue on a Friday where no GP or pharmacist was available for consultation; including those who normally cover when the practice is without a GP. It was discussed over the concern that this situation could occur more often; and that there is only 1 vacancy for a GP in the vacancy. Cllr. K Hagmann was able to provide further advice; she had been contacted directly by Mr Hirst and has arranged a meeting to bring all local Health services together to discuss; it has also been raised with the Chief of Social Work. PWCC can raise this matter directly also, by contacting the Health and Social Care Partnership; K Hagmann to provide the details. There is also the Wigtown Area Committee Meeting (Ward 2) where this matter is to be discussed – the meeting looks at performance data from the past year.
    3. Wigtown Area Committee Meeting (Ward 2) – Cllr. W Scobie is Chair, Cllr K Hagmann is Co-chair, however will be chairing the next meeting. All meetings are live streamed on Youtube. Anyone can attend on the day however questions cannot be raised at the meeting, but can be pre submitted for consideration.
    4. Ward 2 By-Election – Nominations are open for another 10 days; it is being held to replace a Councillor who reigned from their position.
    5. Funding has been allocated to refurbish the toilet block in Port William by Dumfries & Galloway Council. Email shared for Community Councillors – D Ballantyne raised that a fresh paint on the front would be advantageous.


  1. Kilgallioch and Carscreugh updates –
    1. Mr R McElrea is managing the correspondence for Wind Farm projects; and has been in contact with Foundation Scotland regarding this years grants. Has a direct contact there now, who has been very helpful.
    2. Carscreugh – £3003.27 has been granted to PWCC for this year.
    3. Kilgallioch – No application was received therefore no funds are being issued for this year. To be rectified for 2023; Councillors to propose funding considerations by February 2023. Potential funds to be allocated for the War Memorial refurbishment.
    4. All funds require an itemised list be provided to Foundation Scotland for the allocation of the funds received.


  1. Planning Applications – Two applications – No objections.



  1. Website/Social Media Update –
    1. No website updates or enquiries received.
    2. The Facebook page – Port William Dumfries & Galloway is the name of the Village FB page. B Mellor agreed to be Admin for the page; it was discussed about changing the FB page name to “What’s On in Port William” and use more as a virtual noticeboard. Sharing posts and information from groups and services in and around Port William. L Gray to ask J Henry to assign new Admins. A fresh start for 2023.
    3. Potential to create an instagram page for either Port William or Community Council. Look to discuss this for 2023.


  1. O.C.B. –
    1. Funding Applications – Only two aware of at time of meeting for consideration
      • MADAG – Requested £1000 – Mrs B Mellor Proposed and Dr J Crowther Seconded – No objections received – £1,000 to be awarded to MADAG for improvements at Monreith Hall.
      • Picnic Bench for Port William – Approx £600 – To raise with Community Asset Team at Dumfries & Galloway Council to determine costs and any discounts associated. Once confirmed, reassess for allocation of funds.


  1. Benches on the beach front at Kings Park – Cllr. K Hagmann discussed the Community Coastal Benefit Fund and Crown Estate Scotland Funding. Potentially £400,000 available and has previously been under prescribed. To be looked into further and potentially application issued on behalf of the Village – raise with Community Association also.
  2. Playpark Upgrade – Funding from the Council may be possible, to be raised with M Dolan At Community Councils. It was discussed about a community group being created to look at funding for a new playpark. Also a skatepark, it is known that young people are going to Glenluce to use the skatepark there.
  3. Cllr K Hagmann also advised on Place Planning which is a new concept – How to make the plae you live in the very best. Also the potential to Create a Community Action Plan. And also that Third Sector Dumfries & Galloway are another organisation who can help with community improvements and funding.
  4. Mr R McElrea rised there is a pothole outside the Doctors Surgery causing issues with accesibility. To be reported.


There being no further business the meeting closed at (:03 p.m.


Date and Time of the Next Meeting – Wednesday 30th November 2022 7.30 p.m. Maxwell Hall Supper Room.