Draft Minutes of the Meeting held Wednesday 25th January 2023


Draft Minutes of the Meeting held Wednesday 25th January 2023

7.30 p.m. Maxwell Hall, Port William

PRESENT:-  Community Councillors – Mr R Sheppard (Chairman); Mr L Gray (Secretary); Mr P Carrigan; Mr R McElrea; Mr J McMaster; Ms J Edgar and Mrs L McNaught


Elected members – None


Members of the Public – Ms J Dean


Apologies – Dr J Crowther, Mr D Ballantyne (Treasurer), and Mrs B Mellor


  1. Declarations of Interest: – L Gray for purchase and claim of new Mochrum Christmas tree lights.


  1. Police Report – A police officer was not in attendance, the latest report was received for December and January. 3 incidents were reported in December 2022; and none for January 2023


  1. Minutes of the meeting held 30th November were issued to all members of the Community Council. Ms J Edgar proposed, and Mr R McElrea seconded.


  1. Matters Arising
    1. Noticeboards – Quote in, sizing needs confirmed and then ordered – Action by R Sheppard
    2. The path at second sands on the road leaving Port William is overgrown, it was discussed of plans to renew the gravel path. Previously raised with DGC who are not the owners; however to approach again for future maintenance e.g. cutting of grass.
    3. The bus shelter at the Main Square is in need of maintenance, to be reported to DGC.


  1. Treasurer’s Report – Total money in bank–£2,772.15 this is made up of; Admin–£1,168.41, Village improvements–£950.47, Kilgallioch–£200 and Carscreugh–£453.27.

Payments in the month were–£12 to maxwell hall for room hire, £75 to Assist IT, and payments from Carscreugh grant to–Port William S.W.I.–£300,Maxwell Hall Management–£1,000,MADAG–£1,000 and Toddlers Group–£250.00.

We have not yet received £843.60 from D&G Council for payment towards Christmas trees, lights etc. I have reminded them that payment is due. D Ballantyne to contact Port William Community Association that on receipt of necessary invoices, we should pay over this money to them for payment towards 2022 Christmas trees & lights erected in Port William , Mochrum and Elrig. Monreith will receive £300 directly for MADAG.The money to be paid less £73.20 to be paid to L Gray (Secretary) for new Christmas lights etc. in Mochrum.(invoice received).

No objections received for issue of funds from Councillors, however funds may not cover additional lights claim. L Gray raised a declaration of interest for Mochrum Christmas lights.

  1. Correspondence –
    1. Portpatrick CC – Seeking assistance with an investigation – R Sheppard in contact, awaiting response.
    2. Youth Hall Lighting – a complaint was received via the website complaining of new lights installed at the youth hall which were impeding on private properties. It has been confirmed the position of lighting has changed. R Sheppard responded and updated the complainant.
    3. Wishing Well – D Ballantyne received a report from Port William Association of a child being hurt from the wishing well at the green. This is within PWCC ownership so was investigated. J MCMaster and D Ballantyne inspected the well and found that the handle was moving freely; the child was hurt when spinning the handle and it spun back and hit their lip. This resulted in a cut and A&E Treatment. No resistance was found with the handle during investigation. No further action is being taken and we wish the child a speedy recovery.


  1. Kilgallioch and Carscreugh updates –
    1. Remaining Carscreugh funds are planned for purchasing a new picnic bench for the slipway seating area at the Harbour.
    2. Kilgallioch funds application is due for submission at the end of February 2023. R McElrea to prepare an application, however we need to submit plans and proposals for funds, with the potential of up to £20,000 available to request. The following is being considered:
      • Upgrade and maintenance for the War memorial – further investigation required.
      • Two new picnic benches for Port William Village.
      • Further funds for Maxwell Hall from previous letter for funding
  1. We appeal to other organisations and groups in the area requiring funding to contact us to aid in the application with the hopes of the additional funding being available – Please contact a Councillor or the Secretary pwcc@gmail.com


  1. Planning Applications – One application – No objections


  1. Website/Social Media Update –
    1. Website – one complaint received, see Section 6.
    2. Facebook – The Port William Facebook page has been renamed to “What’s On in Port William, Dumfries & Galloway”, we hope this will help increase traffic and act as a virtual noticeboard for all activities and events happening in the area. Anyone wanting something posted, please send a message via Facebook. Port William Harbour facebook page continues to operate and steady traffic and interactions.


  1. O.C.B. –
    1. Email management – Following a scam email being sent to members of the Community Council claiming to be the Secretary from an unknown email address, it was agreed it best the PWCC email address be reset with new password and security protection in place. Nobody has been impacted by the suspect email, however as a precaution we have upgraded our email security.
    2. The Old Mill – It has been raised with Councillors over the concern of the Old Mill in Port William being unsafe and unsightly. As a private residence it is the owners responsibility to address any safety concerns. DGC have previously been contacted and made aware of the concerns. The building is classed as Under Construction, from previous discussions, rather than a derelict or abandoned building. Matter to be raised with DGC – L Gray
    3. A resident of Monreith has raised concern over their house vibrating when traffic passes. This has been ongoing for the past year. The matter has been raised with Environmental Health who have investigated. No resolution has been found currently, therefore we have been asked to escalate. R Sheppard has agreed to speak with residents, raising with the local Councillor for guidance.



There being no further business the meeting closed at 8:25 p.m.


Date and Time of the Next Meeting – Wednesday 22nd February 2023 7.30 p.m. Maxwell Hall Supper Room.