DRAFT- Minutes of Meeting held on Wednesday 30th June 2021 at the Maxwell Hall, Port William
The Chairman opened the meeting by paying tribute to Graham McKie who died recently.
- Present and apologies for absence:-
Community councillors:- Mr. Douglas Ballantyne (Treasurer), Mr Paul Carrigan, Mr. Jock McMaster, Mrs. Barbara Mellor, Mr. Steve Mellor , Mr. Peter Smellie (Chairman), Mrs. Sheila Smellie (Secretary)
Members of the public:- Mrs. Jacqueline Crowther
Apologies for absence:- Mx Jen Hendry, Mr. Richard McElrea, Mrs. Katie Hagmann, Mr. David Inglis, Mrs. Jackie McCamon, Mr. Jim McColm
- There were no declarations of interest.
- The Police Report has been circulated, containing an incident of a broken window in Mount Pleasant.
- The Minutes of the last meeting were accepted and signed – proposed by Paul, seconded by Jock.
- Matters Arising:-
- Jock has repaired the bench on Garnets Walk and has cut back some grass and other growth – thanks, Jock.
- The Police were not very forthcoming about the incident at the schoolhouse and couldn’t give further details.
- D & G have informed us that all streetlight issues in Port William and Monreith would be fixed, but no one has yet been awake during the hours of darkness to review the situation.
- Carscreugh Energy Park has revised the terms of the agreement and requires applications by November, instead of August. The Chairman is currently reviewing the changes.
- The seawall was reported and is on a work schedule.
- Jacqueline has passed the views re Visitor Ambassador back to Third Sector D & G – thanks Jacqueline.
- David Inglis has been in touch with Steve and Barbara about the condition of the road to Killantrae, but nothing has happened. The Chairman suggested the problem should be reported to the Roads Department through their site and then the details should be emailed to David Inglis.
- Dilapidated properties:- Katie Hagmann advises that nothing can be done. The Chairman has logged an enquiry with D&G Building Standards regarding what actions may be taken with regards to the Mill and Rumahra. Vermin at Rumahra have been reported to Environmental Health Department.
- Treasurer’s Report:- The bank balance stands at £1909.97, being £1032.17 village improvements and £877.80 administration fund. The Community Association have repaid unaccounted monies from the Hardship Fund which has been returned to D & G.
- Correspondence:-
- The fishermen’s compound on the harbour is complete. Outstanding task is to clear the rubbish.
- Firework and pyrotechnic consultation has been passed to Helen Oxley.
- Mochrum conservation area:- Consultation has been postponed until the end of the year.
- Chilcalloch Forestry:- An internet link on all documents and historical surveys is available.
- DGHP litter pick in Port William on 20 July. Details have been forwarded to interested parties.
- Anthology booklet on the pandemic (‘This is our story’) produced by D & G/Scottish Government is available for inspection.
- Website – no developments.
- Planning applications:-
- 21/0909/FUL Application from Airriequhillart Farm for additional holiday accommodation and facilities.
- 21/1018/FUL Elrig Farm have applied to erect buildings and drainage for poultry rearing at Low Killantrae.
- Work to the old Eagle Hotel is progressing – have there been permissions granted?
- Carscreugh Energy Park:- (See above) One application for finance has been received.
- Any other business:-
Jock reported the streetlights in Monreith are still not working. The A747 between Barsalloch Point and Monreith is subsiding, and the condition of the Glenling road is deteriorating seriously.
b. Douglas reported on rumours that the future of the Doctors’ Surgery in Port William is under threat, due to retirements of the doctors, and the NHS will take over the practice. NHS to be contacted for clarification.
c. Visitor Return Scheme:- Jacqueline attended the Community Conversation online and has produced a report – thanks Jacqueline. D & G want feedback on what they have done and what further is required. Extra litter bins have been provided and it is considered that chemical waste disposal units should be made available – Kings Green or public conveniences in Port William. The Chairman suggested that D & G should publish a map detailing waste disposal and recycling facilities in the area.
d. It was also suggested that the Children’s Playground at Kings Green could be upgraded, and an application for funding under the Visitor Return Scheme should be considered.
e. Core paths:- Garnet’s Walk. Builders’ rubble has been deposited on the Moor Mains Road end of the path; initial crushing and rolling has improved the situation, but there is still work to do. D & G Community Safety Team were informed, but as the rubble was tipped with permission, no action was taken. It was agreed to allow the landowner more time to improve matters.
On the wider topic of Core Path maintenance, D&G have funds available this year and propose to cut the grass on Core Paths.
The meeting ended at 20:55.
The next meeting will be Wednesday 28th July 2021.