DRAFT Minutes of Meeting held on Wednesday 29th January 2020


DRAFT Minutes of Meeting held on Wednesday 29tj January 2020 at the Maxwell Hall, Port William
1. Present and Apologies for Absence –
Community Councillors: – Mr. Douglas Ballantyne (Treasurer), Mr. Paul Carrigan, Mr. Richard McElrea, Mr. Jock McMaster, Mrs. Barbara Mellor, Mr. Steve Mellor, Mrs. Sheila Smellie (Secretary), Mr. Peter Smellie (Chairman) Mrs. Pauline Watkins, Mr. Peter Williams
Sergeant Colin Scott, Police Scotland
No apologies for absence

2. No declarations of interest

3. Police Report: Graffiti sprayed on the Garheugh Rocks and also walls and traffic road signs in Port William area has also been reported on property in Stranraer. Nobody has been charged and the enquiry is ongoing.
The warning relating to counterfeit Irish £50 notes was repeated together with advice to prevent scams. Police officers will NEVER ask members of the public to send personal information and cards via couriers.

4. The Minutes of the meeting on the 27th November 2019 were accepted and the Minutes of the EGM on 18th December 2019 were amended and accepted. Both sets were signed.

5. Matters Arising: 27th November – The street lamps have not been repaired and a further one needs attention. Action- Secretary to report the new occurrence and follow up on previous reports.
18th December – A report on the process of the Casual Vacancy Election has been written by the Chairman and Treasurer and will be submitted to D & G.
Steve agreed to act as chairman of the meetings in the absence of Peter.

6. Treasurer’s Report: The bank balance as at 29.01.20 is £1740.27, which includes £909.97 in the village improvements account. Payment received from Foundation Scotland £2577 on behalf of Carscreugh Renewable Energy Park Ltd (windfarm money, payments made to various local organisations) and the discretionary grant of £593.10 received from D&G Council. Payments have been made for Christmas trees (with the balance reimbursed by the Community Association), website, rental of the Maxwell Hall and Scottish Power.
It is noted that included in last year’s income were donations from local organisations which were arranged by Mrs. Hilary Pavitt. The Chairman will contact Hilary to discover how these were arranged and whether they can be repeated – where possible.
Following the recent elections changes were required for Bank account signatories, with the removal of Anne Highman, Jim and Jenni Gray and a new signatory was required. Richard was proposed as a signatory by Douglas, seconded by Barbara and thus appointed.

7. Correspondence: The Chairman has circulated correspondence from D&G relating to the closure of recycling areas which appears to be in readiness for further cost cutting exercise by D&G. Douglas reported that, according to the Free Press the Council have reconsidered their plans to close Public Conveniences in the region, but will make savings by reducing cleaning rotas.

8. There are no bookings for the Harbour Green.

9. Website/social media: Assist IT in Stranraer has created a new website and will publish Minutes of the Community Council meetings.

10. Planning Applications: Planning approval has been granted for a new house in Elrig.
Monreith Arms – Planning number 19/1934/CAC permission has been applied for demolition works to be carried out, together with reinstatement, and 19/1937/FUL for change of use from public house to private house/guesthouse.

11. Marine Plan for Offshore Energy: the general view is that the Council are confused by the process outlined in the document but are initially opposed to the construction of an offshore wind farm in the Irish Sea, their reservations being: –
a. Scotland is self sufficient in energy; it will not directly benefit the local area
b. The efficiency of wind generation is being called into doubt
c. The ecological argument relating to the seabed and also birds challenge the project, and
d. The tourism potential which is being promoted with the SW300 Route would be threatened by the construction and its proximity to the Mull of Galloway
There being no elected members present at the meeting, the Chairman was asked to contact D&G for more details of the proposals being consulted upon. Website details: https://www.gov.scot/publications/sectoral-marine-plan-offshore-wind-energy-regional-locational-guidance/
The matter will be discussed again at the February meeting when it is hoped that elected members will be present to provide input. The feedback form on the project has a deadline of 28 March.

12. Current operations and future plans: Pauline resigned as Community Councillor with effect from the meeting due to her eyesight problems. The Chairman thanked her for all the work she has done and wished her all the best for the future.
The Community notice board needs attention. Paul is looking after it.
A concrete slab from beneath the Christmas tree is missing. Jock will contact John Kevan to locate it.
A bench at Second Sands needs attention. Jock will see if it can be repaired.
Peter Williams reports there is a drainage problem in Elrig outside number 7 Main Street.
Jock reported no street lights in Monreith.
There has been a meeting in the village to organise celebrations of the seventy fifth anniversary of VE Day on 8th May 2020.

The meeting closed at 20:25.

The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 26th February at 19:30 in the Supper Room, Maxwell Hall.