DRAFT- Minutes of Meeting held on Wednesday 28th April 2021 via Zoom
1. Present and apologies for absence:-
Community councillors:- Mr. Douglas Ballantyne (Treasurer), Mx. Jen Hendry, Mr. Jock McMaster, Mrs. Barbara Mellor, Mr. Steve Mellor, Mr. Peter Smellie (Chairman), Mrs. Sheila Smellie (Secretary)
Elected members:- Mr. Jim McColm
Apologies for absence:- Mr. Paul Carrigan (unable to access Zoom), Mr. Richard McElrea, Mrs. Katie Hagmann, Mr. David Inglis, Mrs. Jackie McCamon
2. There were no declarations of interest.
3. The Police Report has been circulated. An incident occurred on the Mochrum/Elrig road on 23rd April involving a motor vehicle and straying sheep. A warning was issued about dog theft.
4. The Minutes of the last meeting were accepted and signed – proposed by Douglas and seconded by Jen.
5. Matters Arising:-
Jen has not heard further from Machars Action.
The picnic bench for Kings Green is due Friday 7th May. The Chairman is not available to receive it on delivery, and a volunteer is sought.
Port William Community Council has not been advised further on the Mochrum conservation area. Jim McColm will make enquiries about notification to residents.
Barbara has no further news on the Killantrae access road and will speak to David Inglis.
Keep Left signs on the roundabout in Port William have been added to D & G work schedule.
6. Treasurer’s Report:-
The bank balance stands at £1975.97, being £1032.17 village improvements and £943.80 administration fund. Payments for the month included £528.00 for the picnic bench at the playpark at Kings Green, which was financed by a grant from Carscreugh Renewable Energy Park Limited administered by Foundation Scotland. £986.60 was received from D & G hardship fund and passed on to the Community Association for resilience purposes. A full accounting is requested. The end of year accounts have been audited and will be presented at next month’s AGM – thanks to Audrey Kevan.
7. Correspondence:-
D & G have paid public liability insurance.
Glenlee to Tongland pylons/ undergrounding – 873 complaints were registered. The project is now in the hands of the Scottish Government.
8. Website – no developments.
9. Planning applications:-
Port William Community Council welcomed the renovation plans on the warehouse in the harbour (reference 21/0728FUL).
10. Carscreugh Renewable Energy Park – applications for funding will be sought in the parish magazine.
11. Any Other Business:-
a. Jen: a report had been received relating to garden waste being deposited in the burn. This is not an issue with which the Community Council or D&G Council can assist.
b. Douglas: Can D & G be requested to strim area by the garages on Harbour Green when they cut the grass? Any volunteers to do this? The grass is growing on Garnets Walk and the top end is a mess.
c. Barbara enquired on Maxwell Hall opening. The Chairman reported it is being used as a polling station on Thursday 6th May. For general use, the current Scottish Government guidance is that such buildings can open after 17th May, although clarification is being sought concerning the rules to be applied.
d. Jock: One of the streetlights in Monreith remains on all day, and four others are not working at night. The speed indicator for northbound traffic does not work. These matters will be reported to D&G Council
e. Discussions were held on a survey requested by D & G on opening the area to tourists following lockdown. The main concerns are the provision and emptying of litterbins (they have been removed on the A75 Stranraer/Newton Stewart stretch), toilet facilities (both local and in Stranraer) and camper vans emptying effluent. Overnight camping at St. Medans and Craignarget is a concern. A response from the Community Council will be made by the Chairman, and individuals are free to complete their own submissions.
6. Mrs. Anne Highman, the previous chairman of the Community Council sent her regards to the current members.
The meeting ended at 20:08.
The next meeting, preceded by the AGM, is due in the Maxwell Hall on 26th May 2021.