Draft Minutes of Meeting held on Wednesday 28 October 2020 at the Maxwell Hall, Port William


The Chairman opened the meeting with a report that Mr. Jim Gray had passed away suddenly on Monday 26th October. He was Treasurer to the Community Council for many years, and also Treasurer to the Community Association and Bowling Club. His contributions and dedication to the village will be greatly missed. A card of condolence will be sent.

  1. Present and Apologies for Absence: –
    Community Councillors: – Mr. Douglas Ballantyne (Treasurer), Mr. Paul Carrigan, Mr. Richard McElrea, Mr. Jock McMaster, Mrs. Barbara Mellor, Mr. Steve Mellor, Mrs. Sheila Smellie (Secretary), Mr. Peter Smellie (Chairman)
    Members of the Public: – Mx. Jen Hendry
    Apologies for Absence: – Mrs. Katie Hagmann, Mr. David Inglis, Mrs. Jackie McCamon, Mr. Jim McColm
  2. There were no declarations of interest.
  3. The Police Report was received by email and summarised by the Secretary as arrests in September and October for contraventions of the Criminal Justice (Licensing) Scotland Act 2010. Police Scotland are currently targeting fuel theft and recommending lockable tanks and general security actions. Jen and Barbara requested copies of this.
  4. The Minutes of the last meeting were accepted and signed.
  5. Matters Arising: –
    The telephone box at Elrig: – Feedback was requested by D & G by 2nd October. This was provided (many thanks to Jen). D & G held their meeting on 1st October. Feedback is awaited from Kerry Monteith with an explanation and indication of the next steps.
    Street lighting: – The harbour lights are now working. Report is due from D & G on 10th November on the remaining village lights.
    Compound in the harbour: – The planning application dated 2nd October 2020 is awaiting Listed Buildings Consent. As soon as it is approved the work will be carried out. The harbour will be painted in the summer of 2021.
    Marine Plan for Offshore Energy: – The report has moved to the Government. The update provided online shows throughout the country strong consistent support came from the energy producers. In the SW1 area (Luce Bay/ The Mull) it was strongly opposed with 321 objections, this being many more than other designated areas.
  6. Treasurer’s Report:- Carscreugh Renewable Energy Plant (Wind farm):- £2605.70 was received from Foundation Scotland and passed on to the applicants:- Maxwell Hall Management £1,000, Port William Community Association £850, Gardeners Group £200, Port William Community Council £555.70.
    The Treasurer applied for discretionary grants from D & G for Christmas trees and decorations for Port William, Elrig, Mochrum and Monreith. The trees have been ordered by the Community Association.
    £35 has been paid to Mrs. Moira Adams for a Remembrance Day wreath.
    There are no secretarial expenses.
  7. Correspondence: – The notice of footpath diversion at Kennels Cottage, Monreith Estate, was received and circulated to councillors. No objections were raised to the plan, and it was agreed to confirm this to D&G Council and to publicise locally.
  8. There were no bookings for the Harbour Green.
  9. The scheme for Establishment of Community Councils was acknowledged and signed on behalf of the Community Council by the Chairman, Peter, and Treasurer, Douglas.
  10. As previously notified, Jen Hendry of Elrig had been proposed by Douglas and seconded by Paul for co-option onto the Community Council. Jen confirmed that she was happy to stand as a co-opted member, and there being no objections to the motion was passed unanimously, and Jen was elected.
    A formal nomination form had been received from D&G at 18:00 on the day of the meeting. This required Jen and Douglas to provide details and a signature and for the form to be returned to D&G.
  11. Website/social media update: – Jen reported that the website is not up to date – items are missing or are out of date. Jen agreed to perform a survey of the site and report back to Peter to action with Andy Lund.
  12. There are no new planning applications.
  13. Any Other Business: –
    Barbara was concerned about COVID in the area and lack of information. Jen has found a website which breaks the numbers down by ward which she will pass on.
    Steve reported that the post by the Man is loose. It was suggested that this had been rectified, but will be checked for stability. There is a Statue Fund run by Port William Community Association to whom this should be reported should it prove to be loose.
    The Treasurer reported a bench at Second Sands has collapsed. Richard and Jock will assess the problem.
    Mrs. Jacqueline Crowther reported online about the rescue of a grey seal pup at Second Sands by Louise De Lisle and Duncan MacFarlane which has been taken to a Sea Life Rescue Centre in Glasgow. Many thanks to them.
    Public toilets in Port William: – with effect from Monday 2nd November the public toilets will be open 24 hours a day. During this summer they have been locked and unlocked by Simon Lynch at Port William Hardware to whom thanks are extended.

The meeting ended at 20:20.
The next meeting is Wednesday 25th November 2020 in the Maxwell Hall.