DRAFT- Minutes of Meeting held on Wednesday 26th February 2020


1. Present and Apologies for Absence-
Community Councillors: Mr. Douglas Ballantyne (Treasurer), Mr. Richard McElrea, Mr. Jock McMaster, Mrs. Barbara Mellor, Mr. Steve Mellor, Mr. Peter Smellie (Chairman), Mrs. Sheila Smellie (Secretary) P.C. John Jamieson
Elected members: Cllr. Katie Hagmann, Cllr. Jackie McCamon, Cllr. Jim McColm
Members of the public: Mrs. Liz Perry, Mrs. Jackie Crowther
Apologies for Absence: Mr. Paul Carrigan, Mr. Peter Williams

2. No declarations of interest

3. Police Report: Rural thefts – an operation was carried out between 5th February and 20th February to detect and deter thefts, including local patrols and road patrols.
Crime prevention – new fraud scams appearing all the time, targeting the elderly. Key points to remember- no legitimate organisation will demand payment over the phone, or expect payment in Amazon vouchers or not be prepared to hold while the call recipient checks facts. Counterfeit £50. Notes are at large in the area.
National hate campaign to be launched on 2nd March for four weeks focussing on disability
Updates – a male has been arrested for the spraying of graffiti along the A747 and will be reported to the Procurator Fiscal in Stranraer.

4. The Minutes of the last meeting were accepted and signed (proposed by Jock and seconded by Steve)

5. Matters arising; the concrete slab from beneath the Christmas tree has been replaced.

6. Treasurer’s Report: The bank balance stands at £1722.77.

7. Correspondence: The Chairman reported on surveys that had been submitted by D&G Council on reporting road defects, community planning satisfaction and liaising on sexual entertainment venues, which will be circulated among the community councillors.
D&G Council have introduced participatory budgeting. £50,000 is to be allocated. Meetings will be held in Stranraer and Newton Stewart for voting, or votes can be registered on line 29th March/4th April.
Dog fouling- an issue had been reported, for the Community Safety Team to take action, any report needs to be specific relating to precise position, date, time. It is especially important if it known that the event occurs regularly.
Street lighting- there are a number of reports open for Port William and Monreith and the chairman had attempted to chase them up, but on contacting D&G had been passed to a member of staff out of the office on site and, although he was aware of the situation in Port William could not offer a resolution date. Katie agreed to follow up as she had also reported a street light as being out of order.

8. There are no bookings for the Harbour Green.

9. Website/social media is being looked after by Assist IT in Stranraer

10. Planning applications: there has been a request for a telephone mast at Elrig.

11. Marine Plan for Offshore Energy: Richard attended a meeting in Newton Stewart which presented the scheme not for immediate construction. Liz Perry also attended. A petition against the scheme has been started on Isle of Whithorn Facebook. Objections musts be registered by 25th March – opposesw1@btinternet.com. The ecology of the area including sea life (and the work of fishermen), birds and the gannet colonies on the Scares are at risk. The Luce Bay area is the only shallow water area identified in the scheme. A Community meeting will be organised in the Maxwell Hall to inform residents of the proposals and seek guidance on the feeling of the community to inform the stance of the Community Council [Secretary’s note 04/03/20- meeting booked for Wednesday 18 March at 7:00 pm in the Maxwell Hall]. The details of the meeting will be forwarded to Graham McKie.

12. Carscreugh Renewable Energy Park: no action required.

13. Any Other Business:
a. Jock will look at the picnic bench on the causeway
b. Refuse – D&G Council are looking to replace the collection lorries which drop waste
c. Jackie Crowther reported on a campaign in Wigtownshire against single use plastics. There is a meeting in Wigtown County Building on 26th March
d. The budget from Westminster has not yet been settled; therefore no council tax for the year has been set
e. Whithorn Trust are looking for people with an interest in archaeology to take their project forward.

The meeting closed at 20:45

Next Meeting Wednesday 25 March, 7:30 pm, Maxwell Hall.