Draft Minutes of Meeting held on Wednesday 25th November 2020 at the Maxwell Hall, Port William


  1. Present and apologies for absence:-

Community Councillors :- Mr. Douglas Ballantyne (Treasurer), Mr. Paul Carrigan, Mx. Jen Hendry, Mr. Richard McElrea, Mr. Jock McMaster, Mrs. Barbara Mellor, Mr. Steve Mellor, Mr. Peter Smellie (Chairman), Mrs. Sheila Smellie (Secretary)

Members of the Public :-  Mrs. Jacqueline Crowther

Elected member:-  Mr. Jim McColm

Apologies for absence :- Mrs. Katie Hagmann, Mr. David Inglis, Mrs. Jackie McCamon


  1. There were no declarations of interest.


  1. The Police Report was received by email and summarised by the Secretary. A report of a vulnerable person on the coastline on 29th October had been investigated.  Port William Primary School had problems relating to parking at the beginning and end of the school day, and a plan of action has been agreed.

Police Scotland have created a website publicising internet scams and cyber crime :-


A Scam Share Bulletin Link has been circulated by Trading Standards Scotland :-

https://mailchi. mp/d6a0935ad750/scam-share

  1. The Minutes of the last meeting were accepted and signed (Proposed by Douglas and seconded by Jock)


  1. Matters Arising:-

The Chairman attended Jim Gray’s funeral to represent the Community Council.

Street lights:-  A response has been received from D & G.  ‘The light is an ornate type which cannot be repaired’.  The Chairman has notified Katie Hagmann who has been dealing with this.  Jim McColm suggested that D&G should be approached and requested to replace the lights.

The Man has been made solid.

D & G have removed the broken bench from Second Sands.

The Marine Plan for Offshore Energy:- The plan relating to the SW1 area has not been progressed due to strong and consistent opposition from local residents.

The wreath for Remembrance Sunday was laid although the occasion was not officially endorsed.

Barbara has difficulties in accessing local details of COVID19.  Jen explained how the website functioned.


  1. Treasurer’s Report:- The bank balance stands at £1971.67. Payments have been made for Christmas lights, insurance for Harbour Green and AssistIT for the website.  The Community Council discretionary grant will be applied for.


  1. Correspondence;- The request for support from ‘Galloway without Pylons’ against the new pylon line  between Glenlee and Tongland had been previously discussed by the Community Council and support for the opposition had been withheld. The new request may be discussed at the January 2021 meeting.
  2. Website/Social media:- AsssistIT from Stranraer will continue to support the website for the coming year.
  3. There were no local planning applications.
  4. Any other business:-

Jim McColm requested feedback on the new waste collection system.  He confirmed that smaller bins are available, and a problem was discussed relating to the relevance and practicality of the bins to the many holiday cottages in the area.

Barbara reported that the community bin at DG8 9QR is missing a wheel.  Jim McColm will make enquiries.

There are four street lights out in the Main Street at Monreith.

Recent high tides have brought in a lot of stones at Second Sands which will impede grass cutting when the time comes.  D & G will be notified.

A problem has arisen in the turning area at Kings Green with puddles etc.  Jock will look into this.


The meeting ended at 20:10.


The next meeting is Wednesday  27th January 2021 at 7:30 pm in the Maxwell Hall.