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Archive for the ‘General Notices’ Category
Dumfries and Galloway Fuel Poverty Assistance Scheme
13th November 2019This could assist any householder who spends more than 10% of their income after rent/mortgage, on fuel for heating or cooking.
For more information please look at the document below.
EA_Home_Assist_A5_NEWv2. Please note that this is a PDF file and as such you will need a PDF reader available from Adobe.
Waste Recycling Centre – Whithorn
13th November 2019Opening times:
Monday – Friday 8.00 am – 4.00pm
Saturday & Sunday: 12noon – 4.00pm
Please DO NOT leave items outside the gate, come back when they are open! For information about items they accept look here
Power Cuts
13th November 2019If you experience a power cut you can contact SP Energy networks on 0845272 7999 or visit their website
Potholes and Road Defects
13th November 2019Did you know that there is a page on the D&G Council Website where you can report these? The page can also be used for missed bin collections, street light faults, fly tipping etc. Click here to get to the form and notify the Council.